Which bonuses additive and which multiplicative?


There are a lot of different bonuses in the game or, to be precise, a lot of conditional bonuses, especially for damage. And we have no summary to see the result of all our gear and build with all possible conditions. Only several kinds of the bonuses which we have info about.

It's written, that damage reduction and resists are multiplicative. Also, it's obvious (however it happens to be different in some games) that bonus to crit damage is multiplicative (and it's said "damage multiplier" there).

But what about other bonuses? Besides melee/range and physical/heat/warp (which we have info about, that they are additive) we have different damage bonuses from perks and attributes and, moreover, different specific bonuses like bonuses for certain weapon skill types or vulnerability.

What about these bonuses? We don't have any info. Are they additive too? So, in sum (before enemy armor and resists), we have something like (for certain conditions):

dmg = [base damage] x (100% + [melee/range bonuses including certain conditions] + [physical/heat/warp bonuses including certain conditions] + [any attribute bonuses] + [any perks bonuses including certain conditions] + [any passives bonuses including certain conditions] + [any bonuses for weapon skills] + [any bonuses against certain types of emenies] + [vulnerability]x[bonus to vulnerability])/100%

Am I right? Or some of the bonuses are multiplicative? Like, for example, vulnerability...

This post was edited 4 years 301 days ago by catalysis
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Which bonuses additive and which multiplicative?
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4 years 294 days ago
All damage bonus types are additive regardless of the condition while vulnerability bonuses are additive with other vulnerabilities while multiplicative with other properties.