What is the point of this game? Once you have completed the story mode if offers nothing at all. Compare it to every other successful ARPG, it has no end game content, no special or interesting loot, No rewards, no XP bonuses, No character tweaks or cosmetics, no collectable pets/items, no extra lore. I’m really struggling to find a single reason to play it other than I wasted money and steam refund system skips around the law for 14 day return of goods.

Its buggy as hell, ½ the skills don’t work, textures are missing, text is missing, any number of itemised bugs (snipers guns shooting backwards etc) The Devs don’t provide any feedback on their own forums and look to have all but given up with the exception of a few micro patches that offer nothing new at all.

So to players that are still bothering, can you please tell me is there any point to this, what do you find is keeping you playing?

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6 years 236 days ago

Mighty Snakefist doesn't know how many hours you actually invested, but the game is quite intensive so far (at least if you're participating in current Event). It's just 3 weeks since release, what kind of secrets are you actually expect + stuff is added CONSTANTLY - every week since release there were some new models and in Event another terrain type is added.

I expect they're (not all, but some) busy with console release, but soon the  new Chapter (or Free DLC) will be added, with more story + another sector (yes, He would like them, too) + another race. Also, He thinks that stupid hard-cap on levels AND skills will be removed - not to come in WoW-style, but honestly current 56 skill-points covers basic and more skill-points (not necessarily levels!) will allow character customization - *nobody* will max Support now, but after filling the needed, it may become viable choice. 

6 years 236 days ago
Posted by Lokvette 6 years 236 days ago

Funnily enough I play games for fun, having a blast in my 36 Crusader and  have a pskyer at 15 and a assassin at 10, still going to make a few more to try different builds. I really enjoyed the story and love the look and feel of the game, Sure I've encountered bugs but none that are so game breaking I feel the need to rage quit.

Warzones are coming and if people bothered to read where the Dev's want the game to head and how they are going to be going about it I think I for one will be here for some time.  The game is being patched, the Dev's are talking to the community all in all things are moving in the right direction. However if the same bugs are still here in two years from now I will get down off this high horse and put down my white knight amour and complain along with the rest. 

Yeah, the story is actually quite good, its one of the few saving graces. - as for warzones etc, unless the loot is improved its a no from me, i don't care if I'm killing cultists in space/tunnels/concrete areas - if the loot is the same crap as tier 1 but with a higher PW rating, meh. even the boss fights kinda suck. great unclean one was ok, the rest offer no real feel of a good fight.
6 years 236 days ago

But there is no purpose, all you are doing is running the end game for the same junk you get from the go, over an over. there are no uniques, no rewards, no titles to speak off. its a case of repetitive play on the same maps, with the same enemies over and over. Ive always enjoyed a good grind, but at the end of the day i need to be grinding towards a goal, be it gear, titles, pets, etc. IM has none of that. nothing feels unique or wow, even the battles are more or less the same as the mobs dont differ. i can play most APRG's for thousands of hours, exploring new areas, finding secrets, or just tweaking my toon and when i kill a boss lookign at the shiny loot. IM is run the same corridors over and over and end up with the same junk over and over. So i ask, why do it. 

6 years 236 days ago

Funnily enough I play games for fun, having a blast in my 36 Crusader and  have a pskyer at 15 and a assassin at 10, still going to make a few more to try different builds. I really enjoyed the story and love the look and feel of the game, Sure I've encountered bugs but none that are so game breaking I feel the need to rage quit.

Warzones are coming and if people bothered to read where the Dev's want the game to head and how they are going to be going about it I think I for one will be here for some time.  The game is being patched, the Dev's are talking to the community all in all things are moving in the right direction. However if the same bugs are still here in two years from now I will get down off this high horse and put down my white knight amour and complain along with the rest. 

6 years 236 days ago

More Story (and arcs) will be added next month. The one that unrolled so far lets us in a bit of cliffhanger, but Free DLCs will be released every month or so (next one will unlock another sector, new creatures and more story.

And yes, there's that 'bug-situation', which no other game has. 

And there IS an endgame, it's what we actually are playing - the missions.

So, the purpose of this game is either:

1) to have fun, forgive a bug and advance their characters

2) not to play at all, but complain at forums, and never-ever forget any bug that happened, it's like very very important

Players with (2) are dominating the forums, last event - at least half of threads was how it's stupid boring mind-numbing. It wasn't good event, true, but guess what - We Won! I was skeptical, at one point it seemed like nobody wants it anymore - but at the end, 50,000,000 was reached. Well over time, well over the number asked. I actually started to kill them Rebels again, even being well over 5,000. So, it was ~10,000 players playing stupid boring mind-numbing.

6 years 236 days ago
Everyone complaining about the OD bug. I know this comment isn't goin to be favorable in most eyes. I was ready to quit yesterday since i try out other builds for psyker. So, I try it out for the first time yesterday with a new character and I actually felt like I was making progress. I try other builds but mostly couldn't do anything above my gear score and felt like i wasn't making progess (close to quiting). I would stay leave the bug until they make other builds variable. To be honest there is only one spec for each class right now. So the devs should focus on all the other builds that aren't working rather than fixing this only build that is fun for psyker at the moment. 
6 years 238 days ago
Posted by Backend error 1342 6 years 238 days ago
My purpose now is finding bugs, since they obviously don't test anything before release i have to help them by posting whenever i find something new. It's the only thing that keeps me playing, TO HELP.
I reported quite a few things...

Off the about 5 things that I reported twice... back in alpha and recently due to nothing happening....after asking for it directly...
- 2 are low priority (turret bugs), though they are basically preventing anyone to play with turrets
- 1 got fixed (self flagellation was broken for psyker)
- some issues are "being looked into" (buff removal on stuns and other things)

What is annoying me most currently, is that OD is broken so bad but there is no reason to go without it so you can't even tell how good builds are as everyone has infinite dmg,
though, on the good side, it allows me to run with 70%+ movement speed and OD-damage to do the "event" mission grinding quick, a slight solace at least.
But I seriously wonder why they are taking that long to fix it, on other games they'd stop immediately, roll-back even, and fix it.

Things are getting better apparently, slowly but it's happening.
After breaking my performance completely, and breaking the graphics, it probably is on a good way, whereas after release I crashed on cathedral after 7 minutes, last time it took 22 minutes for that.

Though I still wonder if I'll ever be able to play this game in high settings again. ;-;
I used to run it super smooth at high setttings back in alpha, now I run all lowest possible and it is still barely playable on some maps.

On the other hand, there were a lot of nice things added with beta/release, like:
- teleporters in mission to spare you the walking back
- "sell all" buttons
- genuinely good/smart new perks like the double buff duration
- many more things I can't remember right now

So... it's getting somewhere, and maybe soon we will have some endgame besides hunting for better relics and finding bugs. :D

6 years 238 days ago
Backend error 1342
Sooo many bugs, and issues. I think the supertesters should have their names scrubbed from the credits as clearly they didnt test this very much

6 years 238 days ago
My purpose now is finding bugs, since they obviously don't test anything before release i have to help them by posting whenever i find something new. It's the only thing that keeps me playing, TO HELP.