Weapons and Item rarity


Item rarity and its Color system.

The current color system feels off to me, feels like Blue should be after green. Making it Common, Rare, Mastercrafted, Artificer, Relic.

Changing Common tag to Battle Worn, and Rare tag to Well-Kept. 

Making the rarity. Battle Worn(Grey), Well-Kept(Green), MasterCrafted(Blue), Artificer(Purple), Relic(Gold).

This would be more lore correct in my opinion as well. 

Weapon Skills

Noticed that some weapons, their skills are able to stack their use on top of each other.. (Ie, Grenade Launcher, making it just about better then the cyclone volley skill if used in the right order. #2,#1,RightClick,LeftClick.)

Crusader Greatsword

The angle in-which he's holding the sword makes the main-actors arms seem unnatural, the wrist is at a 90 degree angle to the forearm, and pulled close to the mid-body region. Holding the blade point straight up or angled more to the front would seem more natural to me. 

This post was edited 7 years 147 days ago by PurpleHaze
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Weapons and Item rarity
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7 years 145 days ago
Posted by Starwalker 7 years 146 days ago

The Dark Heresy rules (WH40k-RPG) classify weapons and other equipment as 

- abundant (e.g. a club)

- plentiful (e.g. brass knuckles)

- common (e.g. lasgun of Calixis Pattern or Drusus Prime Pattern)

- average (e.g. lasgun of Mars Pattern Mk.III)

- scarce (e.g. flamer)

- rare (e.g. most boltpistols)

- very rare (e.g. most boltguns)

- extremely rare (e.g. digi-melta)

- near unique (e.g. the Exitus rifle)

- unique (e.g. the Hellax Infernus)

Thus 'common' and 'rare' are indeed availability designators in WH40K.

This is a mix and amshup from a P&P RPG. Dark Heresy classifys "normal everyday stuff" up to "super secret/experimental stuff". That has nothing to do with the rarity in martyr O.o.

7 years 146 days ago

Didn't know this was pen and paper,. Didn't mean to fluff your feathers. Just speaking in my opinions. plus if you want my valid argument towards it. Only thing newly made weapons is crafted items. We're not having some kind of shortage that Dark Heresy is implying. They mean, Boltgun would be rare to find outside of Space Marines.

Currently Common and Rare says that their either abundant or "scarce" or rare. Mastercrafted, Artificer, and Relic are states of quality. 

Just the way i read it. 

7 years 146 days ago

The Dark Heresy rules (WH40k-RPG) classify weapons and other equipment as 

- abundant (e.g. a club)

- plentiful (e.g. brass knuckles)

- common (e.g. lasgun of Calixis Pattern or Drusus Prime Pattern)

- average (e.g. lasgun of Mars Pattern Mk.III)

- scarce (e.g. flamer)

- rare (e.g. most boltpistols)

- very rare (e.g. most boltguns)

- extremely rare (e.g. digi-melta)

- near unique (e.g. the Exitus rifle)

- unique (e.g. the Hellax Infernus)

Thus 'common' and 'rare' are indeed availability designators in WH40K.

7 years 146 days ago

Refering to the Battle Worn tag, and Well-Kept tag,... Common and Rare doesnt speak 40k to me. 

7 years 146 days ago

The only lore regariding colors i know about 40k is that red makes faster. Where is that info from that the color rarity shoould be lore correct in any way? Ressources pls! They went away from the standart diabloesk item colorcode but thats it.