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- Warzone Update: Nemesis
We would like to thank you for the overwhelming feedback about the Warzone. Today's update expands this mode with an unlockable boss, the Nemesis, and the Munitorum shop where you can purchase Warzone Relics. These will give a meaningful way to spend your hard earned Favours you collected during your battles.
New Warzone Boss: Nemesis
Spend your Favor to summon the Nemesis boss to gain access to powerful loot. The Nemesis is a powerful Chaos Knight, so prepare for an intense, tough battle!
The Nemesis is a Boss creature so not only the fight will challenge even the most seasoned Inquisitors, but it gives an opportunity to loot special Warzone items.
You can fight the Nemesis as soon as you beat Battle 10 on Stage 1 of the Warzone. The Nemesis fight will show up on the same map:
Shop and New Items
You can now access a shop on the Warzone tab, here you can buy Relic items, as well as so-called Warzone Relics. These items are usable outside of the Warzone as well.
Look for the "Munitorum" tab on the Nemesis battle screen near the Start button to access this store.
New implants
- Combat Membrane (Main Implant)
- Necroscopic Bionics (Main Implant)
- Immortalis (Main Implant)
- Exitus Orb (Eye Implant)
- Executioner's Orb (Eye Implant)
- Wasting Eye (Eye Implant)
- Neuro Impulsor (Neural Implant)
- Cranial Nerve Booster (Neural Implant)
- Neural Prod (Neural Implant)
Other new items
- Seal of Carnage (Purity Seal)
- Dictum of Purity (Purity Seal)
- Inferno Seal (Purity Seal)
- Macro-steroid Feeder (Inoculator)
- Magna-flux (Inoculator)
- Immuno Booster (Inoculator)
- Expurgator (Signum)
- Mortifex (Signum)
- Shield of Faith (Signum)
This update also contains balance changes and fixes based on the community's feedback. Read the full patch log here!
Server maintenance starts at 4pm CET today (July 20), and approximately at 5pm CET, the update will be available.
As always, let us know what you think about the new additions! There's more to come, including a brand new roadmap exploring our next development milestones.
The Emperor Protects!
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Man I seriously dislike when people cry and whine and throw tantrums to get their way.
Sure it’s tough, but I would rather have something tough than something that I can melt through in 30 seconds.
Stop whining and crying or that’s exactly what you will get, and that will be the death of the game
Hahahahahaha, my favourite two comedians strike again!
"No, I downvote slackjaws whose only response is "git gud" in a discussion about broken UIs and mechanics."
"Thanks for the advice but I know *how to play a video game.*"
I never seen ANYONE complaining about lvl1 boss. But then again, not everyone plays Psyker. But, again, *some* people do. And they're not complaining. Fine irony - someone would think that you just s*** at this, but "you know how to play". So, you know to play the game, but you play Psyker, but other knows how to play and play Psyker and can pass Boss1 without complaining, but you know how to play game..."
On the first look, a PARADOX! But, it's a broken UI and mechanics! Zenon rabbit cannot be killed by arrow (much alike *your* boss1 with Psyker) because broken UI and mechanic! Do you know who Zenon is? Some anchient Greek kid who was master or archery, but arrows mechanics s***ed back then.
Other one is already identified, and I don't want to spoil his keen sense of humour... More quotes, less reason!
deliberately bad / unreadable english is one of the many signs to tell you that. ^^
I admit I was running TW for way too long just cause of laziness,
now adapting again, my pskyer is better without TW than it was before.
I feel kind sorry though for crusader / assassin due to the nerfs, there seems to be no clear concept yet as to what each class should actually be capable of, and what it's strengths and weaknesses should be.
The new items are somewhat entertaining, at least something new and expensive to play around with.
The new boss is a giant bullet sponge, no more no less, I did not grind WZ to death before this patch as I got bored,
so I could only try lvl 13 nemesis, sitting in his face for 2 minutes without moving until it died, that's like the antithesis of a thrilling boss fight. -.-
For all those people wondering "oh no psyker heat is broken now" and things like that,
did you notice there was a stealth nerf.... well, more actually a fix to how debuffs are applied?
No instant full stacks of debuffs anymore, good I say, but unexpected.
Yes, maybe keep the DW stacking active, since it also works with other items the same way (deflect force field as example)
timewarp was bugged, so they fixed that.
But yes, crusader is now the weakest class out there, since you cant play him as tank, there are no taunt skills or a ability to pull enemys on top of you. As soon as you jump into the enemy lines, they just ignore you and run straight for the beampsyker.
I hope there will be some tweaks to him so he has his place amongst his battle-brothers
Mark my words, the "new" weapons they claim are coming will be the exact same relic weapons with 1 more affix and it will take 8 hours to grind for 1 of them and will change nothing.
You guys obviously don't care. This game is unbelievably overpriced, poorly managed, incompetently designed, and ultimately incomplete. It's worse than some 5 dollar mobile games in terms of content and at least with a 5 dollar mobile game you know you're buying garbage.
You guys promised so much just to get people to buy the "full release"and are continuing to do so in order to get your quota and wait out the refund period. This is not a full game. It's a beta at best and not worth a quarter of what they're charging for it.
Stay away prospective buyers!
Thanks for the advice but I know how to play a video game. This isn't a case of "oh this is a challenge and I need to do better", their shit is straight up broke. The UI gives no indication of what anything does. Hell, one of the 3 icons is just a white square because it's missing. None of the icons changed state as I cleared the map, though I know something changed cause it eventually stopped regenerating armor. There's a timer for orbital bombardment but I don't know if that's something I use or is used against me since there was no button for it.
On top of that, they once again nerfed shit that did work and made more that didn't. Psyker warp heat is a complete mess now because the on crit reducer no longer works.
And yes, on the second attempt I did eventually kill it after extreme effort. And the rewards were worse than I'd get from a regular WZ.
It was hard, but it was not impossible to do. It all depended on what kind of tactics and in what kind of order you were performing it. And also that you knew what buttons to press at what exact time.
Pressing the wrong button at the correct time may and can spell disaster you know.
Set this current order state as My default.