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- Warzone Relic Lvls
Warzone Relic Lvls
Warhammer 40K Discussion
6 years 101 days ago
replied 6 years 97 days ago
Will they get a lvl cap raise like all the other gear? Kinda seems pointless grinding out all that Favour (which is a ridiculous amount by the way) to get something that's not gonna be any better than what I have?
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Warzone Relic Lvls
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6 years 97 days ago
Absolutely correct.
6 years 97 days ago
I am on ps4 and can not wait to get season 2.
After very long hours of games I start to tire.
I am level 70 and lv 89 in warzone. No possibility to have relics at my level. So no interest to farmer. Your campaigns are nice but too short. There is no one left in pvp and pve.
Please wait for something to come out that can make us wait a long time.
6 years 99 days ago
Would you be a little more specific what exactly are you referring to?:)
6 years 99 days ago
Ok cool, is the last priority assisngment coming soon? I have done the one that dropped with the Season1 update however there is another one that appears at the atsro path
6 years 101 days ago
We are planning to make bigger changes regarding Warzone but these changes require time so it most likely will be implemented with the 2.0 update.
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