Warzone Archeotech item Pre2.0


Returning player since 2.0 patch. And my Red Archeotech item from the warzone now only has 4 enchants and no special orange text. 

Is this to be expected with the changes? I also noticed the techpriest reset blows all the fate that was used to complete the upgrades before. 

Not sure what if anything could be done, but im not really keen on how it seems like the gear i had, is slightly broken and now isnt worth the level it was anymore.

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Warzone Archeotech item Pre2.0
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5 years 230 days ago
At the time of writing this, i had just returned. In retrospective, not really a big deal. I've already replaced and re-earned most of the unlocks already. 

The Archeotech item was lv40 as with all the gear i was wearing from before the reworks. That may have had a hand in it. 

Thanks for responding and taking time outta your day to read this. For me this is resolved, just had to replace all the pre-2.0 gear with new stuff.

5 years 230 days ago
Could you take a screenshot on the item? We will look into the case. 

As the Tech-tree got reworked, all the spent Fate points have been refunded, you can unlock them all again. 

5 years 233 days ago

I dont have anything to prove where i was prepatch in fate, 

Though my Red item being broken, will rerolling it help? ie Restore its Orange text power


5 years 233 days ago
I got the fate back, which i used to upgrade the techpriest.