Tarot Mission Bug: Broken Damage/HP Scaling


There have been a few occasions where I've gotten a Tarot mission with the "enemy stat increases every X seconds" modifier. The issue? It seems that Calculation is broken; enemies have ludicrously high hp pools or kill you in a single shot from the start of the mission. The HP bug will go away but I'm not sure what triggers it to do so; the damage bug, however, doesn't give you time to fix it because you're already dead. I've attached a screenshot of the hp pool of an enemy in one of those missions.

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Tarot Mission Bug: Broken Damage/HP Scaling
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5 years 230 days ago
Awesome! Thank you so much.
5 years 230 days ago
We fixed the related Tarot card on our end, the next patch will implement the changes! Thanks for the screenshot!