Warhammer 40k


Good day. I would like to make a few suggestions to the game - the Inquisitor Martyr. Enter the units for the hero as in DOW Dark Crusade. When a unit squad can be added to the main character and they as one unit with the hero - one squad. Depending on the class, you can make your own type of unit. This greatly diversifies the gameplay and improves the pvp game. I am very happy for your project and fully support you in this project. I really want the project to develop! Also, fans will simply buy millions of copies of the game if you start introducing races and the ability to play racial classes (Eldar, Tay, Orcs, Chaos and many other races. The Warhammer universe is huge! You could not sell your product since there are fans of other races and they don’t want to play for the Empire! Think about it!

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Warhammer 40k
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5 years 223 days ago
Thank you for your feedback! We have our plans for the future but we are open to any constructive feedback from our players. Will consider this option as well!