Can't Continue PROPHECY Campaign Missions


I'm stuck on the campaign for Prophecy. In the mission where you must assist Inquisitor Mercer from attacking Aeldari forces, I finished the stage of the mission chain where he is inside the bunker and wants to meet up/be rescued. I ended the mission and went back to the command bridge as usual, then I got a new mission from that female inquisitor to purge some Chaos Marines from a different sector, so I went to do that. Upon completing that mission chain, I attempted to navigate back to the Mercer mission's location and continue, only to find that when I enter the system I get a conversation popup from Mercer saying "How delightful of you to show up" yadda yadda... The conversation consists of 3 dialog boxes, each with only one response available. The third dialog box simply gives the available response as upon pressing this, it loops back to the first dialog box and the conversation starts again. Exiting out of the dialog box by either pressing Esc, or by pressing the little X in the top corner of the box simply backs me out of the system without any chance to resume my mission chain on the planet. If I reenter the system, I'm greeted, once again, by Mercer and his endless loop of dialog, and I'm unable to actually go down to the planet to continue the mission. This is a game-breaking issue which has rendered the continuation of the Prophecy campaign impossible. I'd very much appreciate a solution if I'm missing something here, or if it's a bug, it needs to be fixed ASAP. Thanks very much for any forthcoming help/advice/assistance.

EDIT: Nevermind, I found the solution. I have to click the purple icon in the mission tracker on the left hand side of the screen, this takes you to the mission start screen. I feel like a bit of a fool for missing this, but at the same stage, I will leave this post up and it's solution in case anyone else has this problem with mission progression and can't work out how to get back on track with the missions again.

This post was edited 5 years 223 days ago by Biggus Diccus
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Can't Continue PROPHECY Campaign Missions
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5 years 223 days ago
Glad to hear you could proceed in the campaign! I will leave this post so others may find it useful later.