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- Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Ultimate Edition | PS5 / XSX|S OUT NOW!
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Ultimate Edition | PS5 / XSX|S
Lesquin, Thursday 27th October -- NACON and NeocoreGames are happy to announce that Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Ultimate Edition for PlayStation®5 and Xbox Series S|X is now available on PlayStation®5 et Xbox Series S|X alongside enhanced features including all 25 previously released DLCs. A genre rarely represented on recent consoles, Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Ultimate Edition offers hundreds of hours of gameplay to action RPG fans and fans of the Warhammer 40,000 license.
These features include the following:
- Native 4k support (4K on PS5 & XSX, 2K on XSS)
- Higher resolution textures
- Improved destruction physics
- Improved shadows
- Cross-gen multiplayer & cross-progression
- DualSense controller support on PlayStation 5 with Haptic feedback
- Adaptive triggers support for DualSense - coming shortly after release
The new playable class, announced back in 2021, is coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X consoles as a DLC at a later date. The new Sororitas Class - an Inquisitor with a Sister of Battle background - will bring new mechanics and item types to Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr as well.
And since Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Ultimate Edition was developed by a dedicated team for a passionate community of gamers who have been following the license for a long time, all players who own the game on PlayStation®4 and Xbox One will receive a 50% discount on the PlayStation®5 and Xbox Series S|X versions.
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I think this Ultimate Digital Version xbox is at the moment not the best. This Version kicked me out of the game special at Rotwang Missions or another simply Missions in the System.. Why ? When i started my old Cd Imperium Edition and started the same Missions with the same Character that works ! Crazy Update comes sure, not the first little Problem since over 4 Years
Seriously, whoever designed these Crimson Wanderer missions should not be in a position to make any decisions on games. Worst gaming experience I've had in years, and that's saying a lot. Looking at steam and reddit forums, people have been complaining about it since 2018, asking for at minimum, some out-of-combat regen. Well, nope, you STILL have to wait 10 minutes between nearly every battle to recharge your health. And it's worse on console since you can't actually target anything and the autotargetting is a mess. You literally want us to stand there for 10 minutes to heal the mech, half a dozen times per mission? Like, someone thought that would be fun to watch you mech target stuff off screen while it takes massive damage, and no healing? What a complete joke. Waste of $40. Really a shame that some genius decided to keep including these atrocious broken mech missions in every expansion. Sorry to be harsh, but 4 years is a lot of time to fix something, and a simple out-of-combat regen should not be particularly difficult feat to accomplish.
I own the PS4 Imperium Edition. Any chance I could get the -50% next gen upgrade discount applied to xbox x instead of PS5? Is this something doable or a definite no?
Many thanks
Thank you. I noticed that your goal list contained the following:
"- Fix the bugged trophies for those players who played with other editions before and had their progress transferred onto next-gen consoles"
I want to point out that I've never played this game before this ps5 version, and thus did not have an account or save data to carry anything over, and yet I am experiencing issues on these trophies. Due to the 0% obtain rate, I think you can conclude that it affects everyone, not just those who carried over data.
FWIW, I'm really hoping you guys can knock these bugs out and get a little more QA love. There are quite a few bugs in addition to what you mentioned above, but most are relatively minor. Here are a few that come to mind.
- Sometimes cannot leave party after joining a recruitment. Have to kill game to get out of party (cannot resolve by exiting to title and coming back as same character)
- Several Psykker power bonuses don't seem to take affect sometimes.
- Many AoE skills make the character move to range. I would consider this a major bug, as it is a huge detractor for melee users. I can't use my Wide Strikes when surrounded (which is precisely when you want to use them), because my character will just start running into enemies or into a wall to try and get to whever it thinks I targeted. There shouldn't be any argument that these skills (and many others) should trigger on activation immediately. Really need a way to turn off the stupid auto-move-to-target. It's completely asinine when using a controller where you can't point and click on a certain spot.
- Controlling the Tank. OMG what a terrible experience. I have no idea how it chooses target, but it's never where I"m facing, and usually something way off screen across the map. Total mess.
I know there's more but those are what came to mind when writing this. Most of these should be pretty evident to anyone who played through this version on the ps5.
I think this could be an amazing game where I could sink hundreds of hours into (which is why I'm bothering to write this), but until these annoyances are fixed, I don't think you're going to get much traction on it. Anyways, thank you for listening.
add together with the new season the ability to change the abilities of weapons in places, they are extremely inconveniently made on some weapons and changing the layouts in the settings does not solve the problem, and sometimes even worse. I don't think it takes a lot of effort to do this, and I don't want to wait 3 years until you add it there in season 6-7, either
Just the fps?? What about screentearing and graphic thats look nothing like the next gen trailer you show? I bought the game cause i thought its gonna look like the trailer. If not i demand a refund and you guys gonna help me get my money back from sony because you tricked us to buy the game with false ad. "Remaster for next gen" huh? Just crispier ps4 version cash grab.
Thanks for the report, we appreciate it!
@FAETHEOR yes, please check on my sentences below
Giving a daily report on what our progress is would be pointless but our goals are the following:
- Resolve the FPS problems on PS5
- Fix the bugged trophies for those players who played with other editions before and had their progress transferred onto next-gen consoles
- Release Season 4 along with the mentioned fixes
Similar situation for "Blood Sacrifice", Death Incarnated", and "Untouchable". While the other ones I cannot 100% confirm whether I should have gotten them, I'm pretty sure I would have definitely obtained Blood Sacrifice and Death Incarnate if they were working. Not to mention that, again, 0% of players have obtained them. If you truly believe these are working correctly, can you please clarify what the requirements are, because they are clearly different than what the trophy description states.
To clarify, I am playing on the PS5 edition which recently released.
Thank you for your assitance.
restart the console and log in again, sometimes the progress freezes (but still goes), 100% are quietly knocked out, there are no bugs
So whats the news about issue on ultimate edtion? I think you need to daily update what you r working on. You guys need to be transparent, whats bug you fixing right now? Whats about the improved texture and shadow thats missing? Estimated time its gonna take to roll out next update? And i never seen an apology for deliver game in this state(screen tearing, framerate issue n graphical upgrade miasing) i notice you didnt even update the roadmap on you site. Give us something we paid for this upgrade that doesnt even work unlike other company that make a free cross gen upgrade an actually work.
Fun game, but a bit jenky. Definitely not liking the fact that so many melee skills don't actually activate until the player automatically runs into range of whoever it thinks you wanted to target. Not viable on a controller. Just activate it when it's pressed for heaven's sake.
Thank you in advance for a reply.
We learned about the existing screen-tearing problems and FPS drops on PS5 and the team is in the middle of conducting internal tests to find the issues. I will keep you updated under the relevant posts if any news can be shared regarding this matter!
fps drop are also on the xbox series. also about the graphics improvements, there are simply none, you just run the game on a new generation, create a character and see what a low-quality shadow will be. is this the shadow enhancement?
by the way, I noticed a bug, when you enter the game and try to open the map through l2 and r2, notifications pop up in turn that you have access to the dlc, and so on every time you start the game. I last played at the beginning of 2020 and did not see such a problem
After reading all the disappointed comments, I'm glad I passed on this 2nd round dumpster fire.
It's nice to have the 50% "discount", tho it doesn'treflect it in the Xbox store only at purchasescreen, after I had already paid well over 100 U$D on Xbox One with the Emporer ed and Prophecy dlc as well 130 U$D on P$4 for a copy for me and my bro-in-law.
Tho it's pretty sad that a well know, not in a good way tho, company like Neocore has the audacity not to have a separate achievement list for the Series X\S after charging twice for a even tho its Nanco or whatever. Other companies, from AAA to Indy devs, have given either free X\S enhanced versions and\or achievement list, for free.
Tho I'm not really surprised at this as I've made numerous post and threads about several of Neocore suported games from Vaznhellsing to Inquisitor never receiving timely support to broken gameplay, achievement issue, graphic issues, etc, etc...
In the future you may want to think twice whom you're in bed with cause it gives you a bad name too
We learned about the existing screen-tearing problems and FPS drops on PS5 and the team is in the middle of conducting internal tests to find the issues. I will keep you updated under the relevant posts if any news can be shared regarding this matter!
I've sent 2 emails to NACON support about info on the 50% off on the Xbox store since release and have yet to get a response. The lack of clear info on any of this is a bit concerning. Thanks!
The only thing that is sad is player who are happy to pay for an upgrade because it 50 %less when the ps4 version have a better framerate and when the tearing is awful plus all the bugs they do not fix ,i do not say the game is not good ,i love this game but when developpers and publishers make something wrong we must tell them ,when you see the trailer and the game we have ,there is an issue ,when i see the indies developpers who makes free upgrade and that are really upgrade with better résolution and framerate and when i see that i can not be happy to paid 30 bucks for finally continue to play the ps4 version
I once bought the Martyr Complete Collection version and I have to buy it again but in the nextgen version? Is it a joke? Last time spend 70$...
Its sad that so many gamers whine about trivial things and can't appreciate what they have. Highly recommended.
This new version runs like Pooh on both PS5 and Xbox Séries X/S !Its just insane and shows how greedy this Publisher and development team are,saying the game runs at 60fps .....what a BS lie!And all this while asking previous owners to pay 30€ for a crappy update!Shame on you Nacon and Neocore,shame on you!
To all fans don't buy this new version,don't support greedy publishers!They want fans to pay to update to a new edition that actually does not look much better and has worst performance!The game does not run at 60fps it runs most of the time way lower!
Don't support the greed!For the Emperor!
Check the framerate and comparison test on YT !
While I to have problem with the weak performance, I think the worst is the coach co-op option, that basically gives the second player control over an npc, instead, of giving them their own character, I mean, makeing your own character is half the fun in these games, so why would you take away not only the upgradeing, but even the ability to use the gear you want?
Or is there a way to use your own character that I didn't see? After all, coach co-op was the reason I bought the game again...
Just jumped in the store to.download my 50% off version for series X and it's showing full price, current game is in the disk drive and updated and on series x storage.
No matter how I tried to find the charms of the updated version, it still does not work, try playing for 5-10 minutes on the version for the new generation, as well as 5-10 minutes on the basic one. Yes, the detailing is definitely better on the updated version, but the FPS, twitchiness simply negate all the graphics improvements. I tried different missions, especially interesting on a psyker with massive spell animations against large clusters of monsters, well, a rebet ... well, a nightmare, as if I were back on PS4, and not even on the PRO version. I ask myself the question, the developers do not have a console at hand? Are they blind? How can you not see such flaws???
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