Walking Through Doors


I have come across this a few times while playing as my Assassin Sniper. If you are near the door when it closes to trap you in, you can walk into the door model as its closing and then escape the room fully without getting stuck inside. It probably has saved my butt a few times by allowing me to do this, but I don't believe this was intentional. 

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Walking Through Doors
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7 years 195 days ago

That's different then. Should get fixed.

7 years 195 days ago

Its pretty much like that, but i'm able to walk into the closed door model and then out the other side. Basically allowing for me to walk through a closed door.

7 years 195 days ago
Thanks for the feedback, we will fix this issue in the next update :)
7 years 195 days ago

I do the same often, the doors are slow enough.

But sometimes the door is triggered when you are far into the room...

7 years 195 days ago

I have intentionally triggered the trap and then quickly run back though the closing doors to safety. Not sure if that is what you mean.