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- Van helsing final cut online access
Van helsing final cut online access
Van Helsing Support Area
7 years 175 days ago
replied 4 years 168 days ago
I didn't play Van Helsing Final Cut (VHFC) since long time.
I can access to website here but i can't login in-game to play VHFC online. When i try to connect with my email & password, game don't recognize my password. I got all time same message wrong email or passwords.
Are same login + password to access this website like in-game online ? Because i don't understand why i can't login in-game to online world.
I play VHFC on Steam. I changed my computer & system since my last access from past.
Thx to help me.
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7 years 175 days ago by
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Van helsing final cut online access
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7 years 173 days ago
I'm getting "wrong e-mail or password" message just like you are.
4 years 168 days ago
I know this is an old post, but I discovered after having a thought that maybe the game doesn't like special characters in the password. I have actually run into another game that had this similar issue. Even though the website allows for special characters in the password, the game itself does not, and after changing my password to an alphanumeric one, I was able to log into the game instantly.
6 years 260 days ago
у меня было тоже самое, но я перезапустил игру. При этом он пытается войти в систему, но заходит бесконечно долго. я так и не дождался. пытался много раз. Что с этим делать? почему поддержка молчит?
6 years 364 days ago
same thing is happening to me.
6 years 251 days ago
나같으면 이딴 회사 게임 안한다
6 years 259 days ago
If you have any problem with the game, please write a detailed email to the support team! They will help you fix it.
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