Van Helsing

Backend Transfer in Progress


Fellow Hunters,

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut will undergo a backend system transfer soon as the current framework, Parse is getting discontinued at the end of the month.

Therefore, we are migrating to GameSparks – and the transfer is in progress as the tester team is already hard at work as we speak, testing the beta update for the game client so we can push the update live as soon as we can.

The transfer will approximately be ready mid-February. 

During this period, it is strongly advised to play the game in offline mode as various anomalies might occur if you try to go online. Also, redeeming free Final Cut is not possible until the process is finished.

Although we are hard at work on our main project, Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr at the moment, we are trying to focus on this update now as much as we can in order to get the update up and running as soon as possible.

We would like to ask you for your patience during this period.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your patience,
The NeocoreGames Team

This post was edited 8 years 22 days ago by Tender
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Van Helsing Backend Transfer in Progress
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7 years 363 days ago

The workaround is maybe good for people who starts this game from begin.

For the other ... just a bit sad..

I hope my 60 hour progress is not lost in space ...

I prefer to wait more to got my character back safe.

But I doesnt understand why not any information is given the last days(soon weeks!).

You can just say if it takes more days/weeks even months.

It's still better than NO INFORMATION at all !

This comment was edited 7 years 363 days ago by V1re
8 years 17 hours ago
Someone had posted this a couple of weeks back, but for some reason I can't see it any more. Anyways, apparently you can still play "online" with others. Just click the "Play Offline" button and in the menu it'll give you an option to host a game which your friend can join. Granted that if you're character was hosted online, you'd have to create a new character, but at least it's better than not being able to play with others at all.
8 years 2 days ago

Well still nothing...... Bought the game to play with a friend and now nothoting tnx to the network.... eny updates devs?

8 years 5 days ago
Just bought the game and now I can't play because of network error. When will this be fixed?
8 years 6 days ago
Nearly finished the game with all achievements and I cannot play because of login error for a month. You told us that issue will be fixed mid february still nothing changed. Can you give the exact time please?
8 years 7 days ago

How long will it take to finish?

8 years 9 days ago

Still cant log in, it always says network error. How is that transfer going? :o

This comment was edited 8 years 9 days ago by Elza
8 years 9 days ago
Posted by Saitama 8 years 9 days ago

Каждый раз как я хочу зайти под своим логином и паролем в невероятные приключения Ван Хельсинг: финальная версия мне пишет "Ошибка сети". Я так полагаю что это связано с переносом серверов или это уже косяк от разработчиков?????
Объясните мне кто может с чем это связано.....

Это из-за переезда. До этого всё работало стабильно.
8 years 9 days ago

Каждый раз как я хочу зайти под своим логином и паролем в невероятные приключения Ван Хельсинг: финальная версия мне пишет "Ошибка сети". Я так полагаю что это связано с переносом серверов или это уже косяк от разработчиков?????
Объясните мне кто может с чем это связано.....

8 years 10 days ago
Any news?
8 years 10 days ago
I'm tired to wait. we by 3 final cut with my friend and we wait wait wait... during this time no news....

Please neocore, say us a delay. 3 days, 20 days ? we perfectly understand it's an hard work. But we don't understand the lack of communication. 

have a good day neocore team, AND SPEAK US MTFK !

8 years 11 days ago

Hi!  I would like to share with my discovery. Few weeks ago I found really useful site, where are lot of information about all games. The most incredible page is about my favorite game The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II. Maybe you can share with me your minds or other sites where are information about this game. Let me know what do you think. Thanks, Ben!

This comment was moderated 8 years 10 days ago by Jim Fox
8 years 11 days ago
Hey Neocore team!

And what is the status on the transfer? 

it will be help if you make an littel daily update.

I looking every day for something news about that here,

but youre infos is not so mutch i read.

Ithink it will help when you spend more time fpr the community and the status form the transfer. it must no huge text.... maybe whou much percent ore something.

i think more feedback will give the community a good feeling. some peopel feels left alone.

sorry for the bad english^^ iam german and my english is..... aaaaahhh nevermind :D

PS: will you make a devstream for Martyr on twitch? that will be grate :)

i think you will make a grate job on martyr! at time they are too much bad warhammer 40k games... but that game here gives me hope :D


8 years 13 days ago

I need my final cut version of van helsing

I have the other 3 games in the series

 I need the redeem please

8 years 14 days ago

Well, it's at step further.

Finally you could change your password of your old Neocore Account.

I hope the accounts are okay and I would like to finish my Van Helsing Final Cut progress.

WH40k Inquisitor Roadmap and first Gameplay looks auspicious.

8 years 14 days ago

Is The account we use to post here the same one we use to log in to Van Helsing final cut?  The OP said they reccomend not logging in,but does this transfer prevent you from logging in at all?  It seems to on my end.  I get "network error" every time I try.

By the way, Inquisitor is fun, even in its current state.  I very much look forward to its final release.

8 years 15 days ago

I need my final cut version of van helsing, I'm crazy to play: D

I have the other 3 games in the series, I need the redeem please

8 years 16 days ago
Posted by Critney 8 years 17 days ago

is there any update about this? I still would like to get my steam code for the van helsing final cut.
I got an e-mail pointing to the old news, which is not available of course and the auth page has moved as well.

Any news yet?

Thank you in advance and keep up the good work!


Well write a post about it when it's done. Sadly it takes longer than expected.
8 years 17 days ago
хочу играть, давайте играть вместе
8 years 17 days ago

Массовая игра!

8 years 17 days ago
sehr witzig-da wird einem gesagt man soll für seinen account ein neues passwort setzen, was man auch macht, auf der home page

kann man sich einloggen, funktioniert ja dann auch, aber im spiel geht es nicht (netzwerkfehler), dann fängt man an zu suchen und

findet keine lösung und hier in der community wird dann nebenbei erwähnt es könne noch dauern.

bin mal gespannt ob dann, wenn es wirklich mal alles fertig ist in naher zukunft?, dann mal bei steam sichtbar gepostet wird, daß

alles wieder seinen geregelten gang geht oder alle accounts tot sind :-(

8 years 17 days ago

is there any update about this? I still would like to get my steam code for the van helsing final cut.
I got an e-mail pointing to the old news, which is not available of course and the auth page has moved as well.

Any news yet?

Thank you in advance and keep up the good work!
