Uther's Secret - Cannot start, no mission available in Draco


Hi Team, I just ran into the bug where I cannot start Uther's secret.  After freeing the Alpha Pariah I did the side quest freeing Nereus.  When I went back to Uther's secret, the marker indicating a mission was in the Draco system, but nothing after that.

My account name is NotDFace, and the Character name is Atticus.  Thanks for any help you can give!

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Uther's Secret - Cannot start, no mission available in Draco
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1 year 336 days ago
In that case I will forward the issue to our devs so that they can take a deeper look at it. Sorry for the holdup, I will notify you as soon as I find out anything new about this.
1 year 337 days ago

So, funnily enough, the Mission Deployment screen (I didn't even know that was there!) works, but shows that the mission is in The Draco system as well.

When I navigate to the Nereus System there is nothing there.

I'm more than happy to provide screenshots, but cannot link to imgur, or post directly to the forum.  if there is a different hosting site I should use, let me know.  I do thank you for pointing me in the correct direction, and will be happy to provide any additional info needed as this doesn't seem to be what you expect the game to be doing at this point.  Thank you!

1 year 337 days ago

Have you tried searching for the mission in the Mission Deployment view? Press 'M' on your keyboard, and navigate to the 'special missions' tab at the top. Maybe you'll find it there.

Also, try looking for the mission in the Nereus system. Uther's Secret should spawn there, so it might be a bug (in which case, thanks for pointing it out to us) that the game tells you to go to the Draco system.
Could you please confirm if any of these helped?

1 year 338 days ago
Hi there!  Yes, the problem with Atticus still exists.  The only mission I have available in the campaign is "Uther's Secret".  When I select the subsector the Draco system shows the purple campaign mission icon, but when I travel to Draco, there are no missions available at any planet.  I can provide screenshots if you would like.  Thanks for any help you can provide!
1 year 338 days ago

Sorry for the trouble, I fixed an issue for your character Tiberius, but I couldn't see any problems with Atticus. Is your issue still standing? If so, I will forward your issue for deeper investigation.