Upgrading Pre-Order Version


I pre-ordered through Steam, and I am wondering if there is a way to upgrade to the $79.99 version without having to buy the full game twice?

This post was edited 6 years 322 days ago by LootBoxHero
Store Page
Upgrading Pre-Order Version
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6 years 277 days ago
We have some technical issues with the upgrading system that we have to fix. We will make a blog post about it, and also posts on our social sites when it is available. 
6 years 317 days ago
Posted by Jim Fox 6 years 319 days ago

Yes, we are working on it for a while (we are in the insider "testing phase" and purging bugs in the "Steam Linking" functions), so please be patient guys, the upgrade feature coming soon as possible.

Ah, good. Been waiting the better part of a year to upgrade my Founder Package, I'm glad we soon can. 

EDIT: Correction, 1 year and 53 days, according to the ancient topic I created at the time. 

This comment was edited 6 years 317 days ago by Fraggoth
6 years 243 days ago

We are currently testing the Steam Keys with our own Store system.

Steam has it's own "mystery practices" - as we sometimes call it - with redeem keys and in-game digital content on their backend system. 

As some clarification: we have been working together on this feature for more than a year now with Valve and it looks like our efforts are finally reaching their conclusion with the game's release.

We thank you for your patience, support and all the feedback that you gave us. We just want to ask you to please hold out a little longer guys!

6 years 259 days ago
Posted by LootBoxHero 6 years 259 days ago
I hope for this
Me too, since it's looking vanishingly unlikely that they'll have it up and running in time. 
6 years 259 days ago
I'm wanting to upgrade to. Have my eye on the Master pack as i do love collectables.

6 years 321 days ago
Steam regulations I think. Those packs are doable after the release of the game.
6 years 319 days ago
Posted by Coilx 6 years 319 days ago
I asked the same quedtion 2 Days ago. And thay are working on om it.

The other post is a couple og threats down in the forum.

/Emperor protects

Yes, we are working on it for a while (we are in the insider "testing phase" and purging bugs in the "Steam Linking" functions), so please be patient guys, the upgrade feature coming soon as possible.

6 years 257 days ago
Been patiently waiting and refreshing this thread for 2 weeks. But guess we are running out of time now?

I'd actually love to upgrade to the 300 eur edition, but not gonna pay twice AND lose my 50 skulls. Any chance there will still be a small upgrade window after release? Since it seems unlikely it'll work within the next few hours.

6 years 257 days ago
Posted by EXCIDIVM 6 years 257 days ago
Been patiently waiting and refreshing this thread for 2 weeks. But guess we are running out of time now?

I'd actually love to upgrade to the 300 eur edition, but not gonna pay twice AND lose my 50 skulls. Any chance there will still be a small upgrade window after release? Since it seems unlikely it'll work within the next few hours.

I'm in exactly the same boat here. I've seen no update as of yet, so I'm braced for the possibility of not being able to upgrade at all at this point. 
6 years 257 days ago

Apparently just missed the window to Edit my previous post, so bear with this Double Post. 

I asked in the Support section of the discord and got the following response: 

"[6:21 PMFraggothSo, remember when we were gonna be able to upgrade our Founder's packs/editions? Yeah... is that still happening? Because the game releases in, oh, about 24 hours or so and I surely do not have the option to upgrade yet and I'm a bit concerned that the possibility will never exist.

[6:28 PMMorinasit's in the works.  You will be able to upgrade once we iare ready implementing the function

[6:37 PMFraggoth@Menetke does that mean I'll be able to upgrade post-launch, then? Or will it be available before the game releases tomorrow?

[6:39 PMMenetke@Fraggoth  after the function is implemented (smiling emoji that breaks on these forums)

[6:39 PMFraggothI guess I'm asking for a rough timeframe, then

[6:39 PMMenetkeI don't really know"

This comment was edited 6 years 257 days ago by Fraggoth
6 years 278 days ago
Any new news on this?
6 years 277 days ago
There are issues with steam packs and alpha/beta. Can't see any upgrade packs until launch.
6 years 242 days ago
Jim Fox
Thank you so much for the reply and seriously can't wait to support the game and you guys more to see this game become great!

If possible that we can support the game in any other way, it would be cool if you and the other devs put up a post on how the community would like to continue supporting this game other than supporter packs.

Anyways thanks for the awesome game! keep up the good/hard work!

6 years 242 days ago

Thank you so much for the reply and seriously can't wait to support the game and you guys more to see this game become great!

If possible that we can support the game in any other way, it would be cool if you and the other devs put up a post on how the community would like to continue supporting this game other than supporter packs.

Anyways thanks for the awesome game! keep up the good/hard work!

6 years 272 days ago

"Venerate the immortal Emperor"

6 years 260 days ago
So, if the game releases, and the upgrade system isn't running, will people still be able to upgrade their preorder to a higher tier? I want that servoskull. 
6 years 93 days ago
Jim Fox
So that final answer ended up being "no", right?
6 years 93 days ago

Sadly yes, the founder packages were removed from our store so this upgrade-able feature will not be available with the Martyr.

This comment was edited 6 years 93 days ago by Jim Fox
6 years 259 days ago
Posted by thrillhouse 6 years 260 days ago
So, if the game releases, and the upgrade system isn't running, will people still be able to upgrade their preorder to a higher tier? I want that servoskull. 
I hope for this
6 years 266 days ago

Any update on this? The game releases in less than 2 weeks, I'm a tad concerned. 

This comment was edited 6 years 266 days ago by Fraggoth
6 years 322 days ago
Yes atm. They are working on steam upgrade packs but. comming very soon.

6 years 258 days ago

Is there still an update coming on this topic? (Monday maybe?).

It's the last day before release so i hope there still some news coming

Because they game is shaping so awesome i also wanted to upgrade my version one Tier higher. (i bought the game before it was avlaible on steam via your own store)

6 years 319 days ago
Posted by Arazel 6 years 320 days ago
There is LITTERALLY no need to pre order games.

Its a shady practice and again there is LITERALLY NO POINT IN PRE ORDERING GAMES.

So you want to say pre orders are like your posting? It's totaly okay if someone want's to preorder a game. I preordered a lot of games because of my finances. Pay and preorder the game in a "good" month because it releases in a month where bills need to be payed I like it and I can't find anything that speaks against pre ordering ^^.
6 years 319 days ago
Posted by Arazel 6 years 320 days ago
There is LITTERALLY no need to pre order games.

Its a shady practice and again there is LITERALLY NO POINT IN PRE ORDERING GAMES.

I am so very happy I didn't listen to the don't pre-order crowd and pre-ordered this almost a year before launch. I waited until V2 was launched to buy and that game made me sad.

This comment was edited 6 years 319 days ago by Christs
6 years 243 days ago

So....I take it the final answer is that it's a "no"

This comment was edited 6 years 243 days ago by LootBoxHero
6 years 319 days ago
I asked the same quedtion 2 Days ago. And thay are working on om it.

The other post is a couple og threats down in the forum.

/Emperor protects

6 years 243 days ago
I really hope you's will be doing this because I really want to contribute more to this great game and want to see it grow and improve. Hopefully you's have a time/date for upgrades on the accounts soon!

Thanks for the awesome game.

6 years 243 days ago
Wouldn't take it as a "no" personally. Just be patient and let's hope that in due time they will release the ability to upgrade packs and support such an awesome game.

6 years 258 days ago
Same same, I brought the game via this site and would like to upgrade from Throne Agent to Interrogator if possible.

Super impressed with how the development has gone on this game.

6 years 320 days ago
There is LITTERALLY no need to pre order games.

Its a shady practice and again there is LITERALLY NO POINT IN PRE ORDERING GAMES.