Translation from US to RUS


Hello, will there be an update to the translation into Russian.The inaccuracies in the translation from English into Russian were noticed. I'm talking about the PC version.

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Translation from US to RUS
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3 years 134 days ago

"construct specialization" several skills have not been translated, those that give an additional effect.also, having recently decided to create a seasonal character, I found mistakes in the fact that the Alpha pariah periodically changes gender to male in the text of the dialogue

4 years 21 days ago

i created an open VK group. i upload pictures there. then I insert the link to the picture when inserting it in the comment

4 years 21 days ago

forum told me:
"The Comment field contains too many non-acceptable font characters, please use Latin type font charset and try again. Please refer to the Community Hub Rules"
i will resend to mail

This comment was edited 4 years 21 days ago by Rigg
4 years 22 days ago

In English version tooltip Enrage State tell us "8% Damage Bonus per Enrage token." 

But at the same time in Russin version tooltip Enrage State tell us "3% Damage Bonus per Enrage token."

btw how i can attach a pic? =)

4 years 22 days ago
Could you please copy that sentence here? I would have a hard time writing it down in Russian letters. ^^
4 years 27 days ago

I was a little bit wrong in the last comment. sorry.

this is about Heat Vulnabirity on Burning skill hit. anyway no Overheating here.

"Ожог" is also not the correct word for Burning skill.

4 years 29 days ago

Your weapons can overheat if you continuously use them. There is a small bar above these type of weapons which show if they need some cooldown. 

4 years 29 days ago

* word "Перегрев" in rus sounds like "Overheating". it is confusing. ..what does overheating mean..

4 years 29 days ago

correctly "Мораль"

4 years 30 days ago
Major overhaul cannot be expected in the Russian translation but in case you point out the most crucial parts we can have them checked. In case you can grant us the correct translations of these sentences, it would greatly help us too but just mentioning the incorrect parts is enough too. 

Thanks in advance!