The Questionaire


 I'd like to address the first questionnaire we've seen.

I couldn't convey my opinion on the 'lore accuracy' question. I put 3 out of 5, and I think that's great for this sure to be epic dungeon-crawler incarnation of 40k. I don't want a single dreadnought punch to  face to flatten me. The weapons and enemies have a great balance!

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The Questionaire
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7 years 354 days ago
For one of the question I wanted to put multiple points... The enemies of the game are too easy. AND the weapons need balancing.
7 years 353 days ago
enemies are way way too easy...and AI is dumb...

I do want a single dreadnought hit to flatten you.....unless you are wearing Deathwing'ish Terminator armour, or are using a proper ranged weapon to wtf pwn a Lascan, or PlasCan, or Gravgun, or Melta's, etc....despite my love of walking up to a dread and melee'ing it while gaining suppression and taking little to no's kinda heretical...

7 years 353 days ago

I'm not really a fan of the multiple choice questionnaires because they're so limited in feedback. It's easier in terms of parsing through data on their end though.  Hopefully in the future they add a section to "explain your answer". The AI is pretty easy at the moment and I think there's a pretty big discrepancy between powerlevel on weapons, particularly things like the multimelta which feels pretty unusable because it goes through energy so fast. 

Something needs to change with the Dreadnoughts imo. They do very little damage so you can basically go toe-to-toe with them. They really aren't challenging at all unless you get a them along with a large pack of enemies and then you just get overwhelmed and stunlocked. With weapons that don't have armor piercing they're just a chore to fight because of their health/armor regen. It's not very fun to have to carry around an AP weapon just in case there's a dreadnought on the mission. 

7 years 350 days ago
Posted by IcarusB 7 years 353 days ago

I'm not really a fan of the multiple choice questionnaires because they're so limited in feedback. It's easier in terms of parsing through data on their end though.  Hopefully in the future they add a section to "explain your answer". The AI is pretty easy at the moment and I think there's a pretty big discrepancy between powerlevel on weapons, particularly things like the multimelta which feels pretty unusable because it goes through energy so fast. 

Something needs to change with the Dreadnoughts imo. They do very little damage so you can basically go toe-to-toe with them. They really aren't challenging at all unless you get a them along with a large pack of enemies and then you just get overwhelmed and stunlocked. With weapons that don't have armor piercing they're just a chore to fight because of their health/armor regen. It's not very fun to have to carry around an AP weapon just in case there's a dreadnought on the mission. 

I'm fine with needing to bring an anti-armor weapon personally, but our options are pretty bad at the moment. Plasma Rifle is the best ranged I've found so far for it, and with the CD on attacks when I swap to it, I'm getting annoyed.

I'm glad they had a 'weapons are unbalanced' option to choose, but I couldn't get in that some enemies are really bullet spongy, even with AP attacks, much less AB ones. The Dreadnoughts are more annoying then threatening.

But Feth those Emperor forsaken Nurgle Havoc marines and their chain knockdown/suppression with homing grenades. That's by far the most annoying thing I've seen in this game. It doesn't even do enough damage to kill me, so taking them out takes forever. They interrupt missiles or grenades as well as any attack that isn't nearly instantly executed on top of that.