The Founding and Steam Early Access


Hi, Just found this game a few days ago from searching steam in the coop/multiplayer/action/rpg catagory. Bought it and got 4 of my other friends to pick it up too, already formed a Cabal and we should be bringing more after the actual launch. Early Access just throws a lot of people off when it comes at full price.

Aside from all of that, after going to your main page and seeing there are bonuses for buying certain versions of the game; will you allow those of us who purchased the game on steam to get the same rewards? Maybe even have some upgrade options for the difference of the packages to the base version, to purchase? Just a thought, but it would be nice to be included in anything awarded to early access players if it wasn't already being planned.

Thanks for a great game, keep it up.

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The Founding and Steam Early Access
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6 years 338 days ago
I am also extremely interested in this. I was told a while back that it is something they plan on but have not really seen much on it.
6 years 334 days ago
Thank you for the support! Soon we will launch the upgrade options for both Steam EA users and lower tier Founders!
6 years 333 days ago
I also picked this up from steam last weekend and am enjoying it a lot!  I would be keen to understand how this would work - Info as soon as possible on this would be great!  :)
6 years 319 days ago
What are the current status regarding this topic?

Will i soon be able to upgrade my founding pack to a "vine cup shaped like a skull" pack?
- or are the physical gimicks gone for good?

6 years 319 days ago
We still don't have ETA, but we are working on it!