The Demon Chests


WHen playing on the new seasonal character, I often find the daemon chests, you know the ones with the timer where you need to kill the demon before you can open the chest.  However no daemon spawns and the timer just counts down to zero and melts the chest.  Usually this happens on the maps with the purple warp energy flashing on the ground all over.

Am I supposed to be doing something differently, or is this an unintended bug?


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The Demon Chests
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4 years 63 days ago
No worries. Glad there's one slightly less frustrated player out there now.

And just listening to your theory as to how they worked suddenly made me appreciate the fact that they don't. :)

4 years 63 days ago
Oh...  Now I feel like a dope.  I really was conditioned to the daemon popping out of it, so I was waiting for something to happen.  I could have sworn I clicked on the chests trying to figure out how to interact with it, but I must not have tried that. 

In my mind, I had to find where the chest reappeared on the map somewhere before the first chest got to zero.  When that didn't work, I assumed it was some kind of multiple chain event where after maybe the 5th time finding the chest it would pop open.  I got as far as 2 on the map, lol!

Thanks for setting me straight.

4 years 63 days ago
I might be misunderstanding you, but there's no trick to a warp chest--you just click on it to open it. There's no enemies you need to defeat. So if you see it (or you see the purple circle on the minimap which indicates its position), then you have 30 seconds to click it. The timer doesn't start until it's more or less on your screen, so it's not jumping around randomly all the time.

If you're having trouble clearing out the enemies around the chest, it sounds like it might be an issue with the gear or build that you're running. I don't think I've managed to miss a warp chest yet, but I admit that I probably came into the season with a fairly clear idea of how I wanted to build my character in order to handle tough content, so it may be biasing my experience.

Hope this helps a bit, and I'm sorry if I didn't quite catch your struggle. It definitely sounds like you're frustrated.

4 years 63 days ago
What in the ever-loving hell am I supposed to do to get this bloody melting chest, other than "scramble around" blindly?  I'm level 52 on my seasonal character and gotten precisely 0% of the chests, which is a spectacular failure of whatever the warp chest mechanic is.  I've managed to pretty much die "scrambling around the map" looking for something without any kind of hint where the hell it is.

I greatly dislike the warp chests so far.  Stupid idea.  For now I'm just ignoring them, since they are impossible to be successful at anyway.

4 years 65 days ago

These are "Warp Chests" (description from the Compendium):

Warp Chests

Loot chests will appear randomly during Warp-tainted missions, and players will have to scramble to find them before they disappear into the Warp - only to reappear again somewhere else on that map! These chests have a 30 second timer, which is also displayed above them.

They re-used the model and timer directly from demon chests, so your confusion is totally understandable, but you're not doing anything wrong.