Strange Bug in COOP - Moving sporadically not possible


We have a very strange issue every third coop game or sometimes sporadically that we can not move our chars unexpected. sometimes the issue is solved with a quitt of game with alt + f4 and restart and rejoin but its nerving totally please check this video and please can the support provide a solution to fix this issue or bug ingame.

terrible strange bug
please provide as soon as possible a solution
thank you

This post was edited 5 years 2 days ago by Brisecul
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Strange Bug in COOP - Moving sporadically not possible
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4 years 364 days ago

Thanks for your response Marcopolocs.

Currently sorry i can answer your questions in details.

I will try to get this information for your to help further. 

I found out that this issue is not really map specific because its occur in open world ( desert maps ) or in small Labyrinth maps and was not really map specific and occured in diffderent games with different maps ... i was not able to found out if the issue is map specific but next time its occur i will make screenshots of the /mapinfo.

I am unsure if the issue was with the same enemy setting ... mmm i will check if for more details and if issue occur i try to get as much informations as i can.

i played all time my assasin as its occured but i will check if its occur with my twinks too.

If i can answer your question in details Marcopolocs i will do so in the next time ... give me some time please to found out more spcific informations. The video show only the strange situation that occur at start of the map in COOP.

This comment was edited 4 years 364 days ago by Brisecul
4 years 364 days ago
In case you bump into such an issue again could you tell us the name of the map? Typing into the chat /mapinfo will reveal the map's name. That would great help us.

Additionally please mention the followings:
- did you find any connection between the cases? like same mapsetting, enemy setting or so?
- what classes did you play with? always those can be seen in the video?