Stormwatchers Chapter?


I'm not a 40k expert by any means, just a longtime fan. I've neither heard of, nor been able to find any information on this Chapter. Now for the feedback... The inquisition already has a host of Chapters tied to them, not the least of which are the Grey Knights and I would assume by extension the Excorsists, as well as the Black Templar, Adeptus Sororitas and even the Deathwatch should they feel like it. Do they really need yet another secret founding specifically for the issues in the sector? Personally, I'd just as soon see the local SM representative fleshed out through one of the existing chapters that are well known ( even if semi-secret in some cases ) to work alongside the Inquisition.

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Stormwatchers Chapter?
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7 years 34 days ago

You can't do interesting new stuff with old chapters. Going by the over the top bloodlust of the marine from the Martyr the Stormwatchers might very well be compromised. And that's not something that flies when you call them the Deathwatch or the Grey Knights instead of a new chapter.

It's the reason why Relic went with the Blood Ravens for their huge story focused games instead of the Ultramarines (who only appeared in the generic 40k stories like Space Marine and Winter Assault).

This comment was edited 7 years 34 days ago by DatonKallandor
7 years 34 days ago
I see the point, especially for an "incorruptable" like in the case of the Grey Knights, I s'pose a lot of my thought process just comes from being a lore junkie, that, and there are so many of the successor chapters that I've not seen much of over the years it just strikes me as a way for the game to add depth to something that already exists instead of adding "one-more-chapter.007". I s'pose like most things, it's all in how it's done, and the Stormwatchers could be the next Omnibus if it's done well.
7 years 34 days ago

Provided of course that Thorn is telling the truth about who he works for.

*shifty eyes*

Then again, a new chapter would be cool.

This comment was edited 7 years 34 days ago by Kalenath
7 years 34 days ago
I wish the Crusader class had been Deathwatch, myself.

As for the Stormwatchers, it really does depend on how well its done. And who knows, if the game does well, we might see some of the others in the future.

7 years 26 days ago
Space Marine was one amazing game though, and Titus could honestly have been from any chapter, and the story would still have been amazing. this new chapter might just be for game purposes, and will not be canon.
7 years 26 days ago

Excerpt from Games Workshop and Fantasy Flight Games, Deathwatch Core Rulebook.

ISBN: 978-1-58994-778-8 Product Code: DW01 Print ID: 781JUN10

 The history of the Imperium since the Horus Heresy is not

a continuous story. There have been periods of rebellion

and anarchy, times when the balance of power has suddenly

changed and history has quite literally been rewritten. Many

of the subsequent foundings of Space Marine Chapters

belong to these troubled times, making it almost impossible

to ascertain when some Chapters have been created. It is

believed that of the one thousand or more Chapters thought

to be in existence today, more than half are descended from

the Ultramarines, either directly or through one of the

Primogenitor Chapters of the Second Founding.

It is not known how many new Chapters were created by

the Second Founding. Many records were lost during the Age

of Apostasy, a troubled time that bestrides the history of the

Imperium like an impenetrable veil. In all likelihood, some of

the Chapters created during the Second Founding have since

been destroyed, leaving no records of the deeds. Others have
been lost in more recent times, and their names are now all that
remains of them.

7 years 25 days ago
< grin > a quality washover, that. Personally at this point, I'm almost hoping that this Stormwatcher business is a ruse set out by the ruinous powers and/or a potentially heretical Inquisitor as I prefer GW established lore. Good digging though WitchZer0, very valid =)
7 years 24 days ago
Posted by Chapter of One 7 years 25 days ago
< grin > a quality washover, that. Personally at this point, I'm almost hoping that this Stormwatcher business is a ruse set out by the ruinous powers and/or a potentially heretical Inquisitor as I prefer GW established lore. Good digging though WitchZer0, very valid =)

Written by GW eh? - Like age of Sigmar! xD 

Don't even get me started on 40k Age of Smurfs......

Looks to his left at the now extinct tomb king army "weeps" WHYHYYY

This comment was edited 7 years 24 days ago by Airsick Hydra
7 years 17 days ago
Agreed. The Blood Ravens made their ways into the official lore, I belive there is a Gabriel Angelos model as well. It would be cool to NeoCore achive the same thing with the Stormwatchers as well. 

Still, I would like to see the Grey Knights in action in some way shape, or form.

7 years 15 days ago
Go Grey or go home!
7 years 15 days ago

Chapters are founded all the time to deal with specific threats or guard specific areas. The Astartes Praeses Chapters were all founded specifically to guard the Eye of Terror, for example. It's perfectly acceptable to think there's one in the Caligari Sector too, and since it's a new Chapter, the writers can get away with saying they work with the Inquisition a lot since it's a troubled sector.

I'm sure we'll learn more about them as the story progresses. Maybe they'll get mentioned in a GW publication at some point. I think the Storm Wardens from the FFG RPGs managed to get a mention once too.

7 years 15 days ago

Storm Wardens showed up in the Deathwatch Mobile game. The Watch Commander was one of them.

Best line about them-

'They keep secrets so well that they make the Dark Angels seem friendly and open!'

I bet the Stormwatchers will be better explained as we purge our way through Caligari. I hope so anyway. 

This comment was edited 7 years 15 days ago by Kalenath
7 years 14 days ago
If Thorne is an example of the reguiar Stormwatchers I want a story option to eradicate them!
7 years 11 days ago
Posted by Irrelewahnt 7 years 14 days ago
If Thorne is an example of the reguiar Stormwatchers I want a story option to eradicate them!
Why? The guy speaks in practically nothing but "Thoughts for the day" quotes from the rulebooks. :P
7 years 11 days ago
I'm thinking once this game hits full release there will be a codex added for the Stormwatchers. Can always write and complain to GW about it. :P
6 years 278 days ago

Hmm. Grey Knight in game or Deathwatch (design several chapter). Yes, I want that in the game as a playable character.

5 years 324 days ago
Aye Brother... Agreed. [Caius Thorns Voice]
5 years 320 days ago
necromancer dude :)
4 years 268 days ago

40k figuratively leaves a HUGE door open for any player that wants to create his own chapter and add to the lore. There are tons of player created chapters that exist and aren’t listed anywhere. Almost anything can be canon in 40k - as long as you aren’t affecting a major storyline. (Hell, I’ve created my own chapter with backstory) 

sorry, I realize this is a necropost 

This comment was edited 4 years 268 days ago by WarpathZero
4 years 195 days ago