Storage stasis bug and other issues


All the items were deleted after finishing a void mission I have only one character which is my seasonal character I tried to reset the game and the computer but it didn't work properly 

Other issues that I have whit the game is that when playing whit a controller on PC the character stops running and only walks I have to turn of and on the controller support 

Also when I'm trying to play on max settings the game freezes I can hear sounds from the interactions but it doesn't work also even on max settings the games looks as if were still on low settings 

Please help me solve the issues 

Have a good day 

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Storage stasis bug and other issues
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291 days ago


1. Please let me know what your in-game account name is so I can compensate you some for your lost items. 

2. As for the controller issue, this problem will arise on occasion, and you are able to solve it by turning off and on the controller support in the controls settings? Do I have this correctly?

3a. So this can be a couple of things. For one, please try and limit the number of your CPU cores responsible for running the game, as one possible solution to lagging/stuttering. 

3b. You also say there isn't improvement when on high settings vs. when on low. What screen resolution are you on? If you aren't able to choose your display's native resolution I suggest you check out this article