Stop forcing player into melee range for cutscenes



Please change the way cutscenes force relocate player characters, and the cutscene removing all buffs or wards that the player has cast in preparation for the combat.

It is incredibly frustrating to be playing a ranged character and have you force me into melee range to have polite boasting and discussion with a known enemy. In some instances it has almost been game breaking  as I get shot or beaten to death before being able to get out of range and engage as my character needs to.

It implies that the inquisitor is a complete idiot and just wanders up to talk to nefarious and deadly enemies while their army stands around aiming at him.

Please correct this in the campaign and subsequent DLC.

This post was edited 6 years 28 days ago by Quasinerdo
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Stop forcing player into melee range for cutscenes
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6 years 5 days ago
The mentioned changes will naturally come to console as well - not with the upcoming patch but the next one.
6 years 5 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 6 years 14 days ago
The next patch will bring the changes to PC and will resolve the cutscene-buff issue. 

You refer to story missions where after the cutscenes you are being encircled by a bunch of enemies and die?

Awesome thats great news for Console, why even bother with console guys honestly ?
6 years 11 days ago
Yes, when the cutscene is triggered it often forces the character to walk forward into close range of the enemy boss mob for a chat. Not only are buffs dropped but once the cutscene ends you then have to immediately fight at that range. This is incredibly frustrating for certain characters that rely on range and careful play to combat the enemy. Especially so when there is a huge number of enemy and they insta-kill you. Of course it's wonderful if you are a melee crusader or other close combat tank! It would be nice to have other viable builds though and in the story line this is a very frustrating event.

6 years 14 days ago
The next patch will bring the changes to PC and will resolve the cutscene-buff issue. 

You refer to story missions where after the cutscenes you are being encircled by a bunch of enemies and die?

6 years 16 days ago
Hate to tell you that the buffs are still dropping on PC.

Also the buffs are not the major issue when you have a glass cannon and keep dieing because of your shitty cutscene forcing my character to walk into a deadset ambush and die. In a couple of scenarios it has been mission breaking as the sheer bulk of suppression and instant damage received is overwhelming.

It's an obviously ridiculous plot option having him/her walk over and talk to the enemy and totally unnecessary.

Please do something about it.



6 years 19 days ago
The mentioned changes will naturally come to both PC and console! 
6 years 21 days ago
I am a PC player too not PS4

6 years 21 days ago
That's great! I hope "we made some changes" also includes not dragging me into melee range!

6 years 26 days ago

we made some changes in this regard a little while ago and buffs no longer will drop off in case of a cutscene! This will most likely come with the next patch to PS4!