Steelpain's Bug Report/Enh Request (SoTI) - PC


Got myself to level 97 and a boat load of hours since my last report and here is some feedback. I'm playing a Seasonal Hvy Flamer/Crusader build for Season of the Inferno on PC. 

1) +x to vulnerability effect duration does not work. All my debuffs still fall off the enemy after 3 seconds regardless of what is modifying the duration.

2) Systems should have a minimum amount of missions available. Not sure if this is an intended gate or means to throttle game play but I was attempting to farm influence for the seasonal quest (or was it really for the leader board!) but after completing the 1 - 5 missions a zone had, it just stays empty for some random period of time.

3) As a crusader I was able to put down a turret and trap an NPC against a wall during a rescue mission. Perhaps this could be avoided by removing NPC collision by user made objects.

4) In the character tab the description for 'Warp Resist' says 'Heat' resist.

5) When an intel mission applies both the affixes 'armored' and 'heavily' armored to enemies, this makes them 100% immune to damage and you can't complete the mission. I've read you require 'armor breaking' to complete a mission like this but in my opinion it's rather silly to run into situations such as this. I don't mind a -99% dmg debuff but immunity to non-armor breaking abilities is silly.

6) After completing a void crusade I attempted to launch another and nothing happened. For some reason the launch a crusade just bugged out. I was able to correct the behavior by logging out of my character then back in.

7) Please consider scaling the warzone system differently so that a level 90 character whom decides to start it isn't running lvl 50 missions (Effectively -40). Perhaps after a certain character level the lowest the mission could be is a -5 or something? Maybe apply the Tarot system to it at a certain level? Not sure, just an observation. The Warzone system didn't appeal to me until SoTI for the progress yet I didn't start it until level 90.

8) Why do chat channels have a limit of 100? Do I need to load an AOL disk with more minutes to join a room that has people I want to collaborate with?

9) If a mission affix disabled your innoculator, also having the affix '-50% innoculator charges for the mission' is redundant. Both affixes were applied by different tarrot cards and it seems like the logic could be improved here.

10) I have a level 4 Venom Tarot card and I just don't notice an increase in tarrot cards. I'd really like to better understand the logic behind these 'increased' chances to gain a particular item. Are they trumping your chance of obtaining other 'rare' items when a rare is being rolled for or does each kill have in addition to the normal loot, a small chance to drop this item? Perhaps I don't pray to RNGesus enough but I can go a few mission with this tarrot and not get a card.

11) Sometimes Uther's Tarrot Cards don't stack properly in your inventory when collected during missions. Instead of a single stack of 10, I sometimes have stacks of 1,1,1 and a stack of 7.

12) Perhaps my biggest critique, Base mission XP is all over the place. If I'm level 90 and I start a level 95 mission (Red), the base XP is as low as 3000 sometimes (I need 483,819 for 91 by the way). But if I take a level 70 mission (or even 92!) and I apply a level 2 'The Arch Enemy' making the mission level 92, the base XP shoots up to as far as 11,000. Intel missions, warzones, special assignments and more just scale in such an awkward manner. Please revist mission XP scaling so a casual player such as myself doesn't have to dig for loopholes and magic tricks to actually level a character post story completion.

13) I was able to destroy a turret you may manually control while I was inside of it (from the heavy flamer phosphorous splash). This resulted in me being forever stuck inside a turret I couldn't control nor leave. What I think happen was my flame AOE was mid air as I entered the turret thus the turrent was still an enemy to the ability prior to be entering it.

14) Why doesn't the morality chest at the end of a Void Crusade contain at least 1 morality relic? It's disappointing to only get non-morality relics from this chest.

15) '98% chance to gain an enrage token on kill' does not seem to interact well with 'Every 10th enemy explodes on kill, dealing area damage equal 100% of their hp'. I can mass kill packs of 10+ enemies with a single heavy flamer skill but I will get somewhere between 1-4 enrage tokens on average. This tells me my luck is either terrible or the math/logic around this combo doesn't work quite correct OR I misunderstand it. I'm still doing some testing here.

16) I'm stuck on the last mission of Warzone Stage 11. I have beaten it twice and I don't progress. Not sure if there is a level cap as I'm 97 or something is bugged.

As always, love the game and trying to contribute to the growth of the game/community.

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Steelpain's Bug Report/Enh Request (SoTI) - PC
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4 years 210 days ago

This is a great testing rundown!

I agree with most of the line items and have experienced a few of the listed bugs. There are, however, three items I don't share your opinion on. My reasoning will follow each:

2) Systems should have a minimum amount of missions available. Not sure if this is an intended gate or means to throttle game play but I was attempting to farm influence for the seasonal quest (or was it really for the leader board!) but after completing the 1 - 5 missions a zone had, it just stays empty for some random period of time.

   I do believe this is an intentional gate. And, when I am farming cabal quests it does interfere with my ability to close the quests out in a few hours (I think that's a good thing). That said, I might be reading your issue incorrectly and you are stating that you cannot, or it is more difficult than you think it should be, to finish a specific quest.

5) When an intel mission applies both the affixes 'armored' and 'heavily' armored to enemies, this makes them 100% immune to damage and you can't complete the mission. I've read you require 'armor breaking' to complete a mission like this but in my opinion it's rather silly to run into situations such as this. I don't mind a -99% dmg debuff but immunity to non-armor breaking abilities is silly.

   While I think it might be unintended (having such a difficult set of debuffs), I believe that because you can re-gear and re-tool your character to fit the mission before you go in that this is a non-issue. If armor breaking/piercing abilities will work, then get a gun that has it. I have an enchant on my heavy flamer that peals 5% armor off of the enemy each hit (Ordinatus Psalm, idk if these stack), now I don't really think about armor :)

14) Why doesn't the morality chest at the end of a Void Crusade contain at least 1 morality relic? It's disappointing to only get non-morality relics from this chest.

   I think that if we could get morality items so easily that it would devalue them. To be honest, they aren't game-breakingly more powerful than their relic cousins. So, having them pop up every time I finished a VC, it'd make them less desirable (to me). Also, the fact that you can scrap them for 3 sparks of glory. So, getting one every VC could be OP from a crafting point of view.

Ok, so if you got through that I just wanted to say again that this was a great post. And, I as a gamer value the time and effort you obviously put into it. Thanks!

4 years 212 days ago
On "16":  Stage 11 is the last stage. There are currently no more warzone-missions after stage 11. Maybe we get an upgrade in the future? I would love if we can also get a scaling like you mentioned under "7". E.g. mission-level scales to character-level unless mission-level is higher than character-level. This would help a lot. Doing warzone-missions for 124-Exp when starting/discovering them late feels horrible.

Very good and usefull feedback overall.