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- Sororitas Class DLC: New Abilities & Updated Compendium
Sororitas Class DLC:
New Abilities & Updated Compendium
Warhammer 40K Art & DesignInquisitors!
In less than a week, on November 28 the new class will arrive to Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr.
This new Inquisitor comes with a background in the Adepta Sororitas – a Sisterhood known for their devotion to the Emperor, and their exceptional combat abilities. Last time we talked about the different Subclasses, now let's take a quick look at the new abilities and equipment.
Players who choose this new class will wield Faith as their most important weapon – this is represented in new abilities and a unique class resource.
Acts of Faith are manifestations of the Emperor’s light, resulting in supernatural phenomenon during battle. These abilities can grant protection, boosts, and other effects, they take up slots granted by various items like the Holy Censer.
Faith itself is a generated resource depending on Sacred Rites selected for the missions. Saintly Deeds decide how you gain this resource – the more Faith you have, the more powerful you can become. When their passion soars truly high, Sororitas Inquisitors can even turn into an Embodied Saint form with customizable Faith Abilities.
Sororitas Inquisitors also carry unique Banners that you can deploy on the battlefield. Each of them has different effects, such as damage bonus or healing. They are not just simple tools; they even have their own passive skill trees.
Finally, Sororitas Inquisitors wield new sanctified Imperial weaponry, like the Hand Flamer & Brazier of Holy Fire, the Rod of Faith or the Blessed Blade, combined with the trusty weapons you know from the base game, such as the Chainsword or the Plasma Pistol. Experiment with them and cleanse the heretics!
To discover a more detailed breakdown and stats of all weapons, enchantments, Banners, Acts of Faith, please check out our newly updated Compendium!
You can wishlist the Sororitas Class DLC on Steam before release, which is very soon, again: November 28. See you then!
The Emperor Protects!
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Will this be coming to the Xbox version of the game?
Yes you guys are getting the new class. I feel your frustration though, hang tight! I ask your patience for just a little longer.
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