Server Status


Was just playing the game and now it pops up and says cannot connect to neocoregames please try again later. Are the servers down if so how do I find out.  Kinda pissed I can't play a game I paid 60 bucks for because you're servers are down.  

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Server Status
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4 years 365 days ago
all worcking well right now on ps4
5 years 1 day ago
Is neocore server down for PS4 ? Cannot login at all. If I knew this game is going 100% online like Diablo 3 PC, I wouldn't bought this game. Come on until today still have connecting issue. Better switch to Chaosbane since there is no login at all.
5 years 263 days ago


We are working on the connection issue along with Sony and our backend provider. To resolve the problem it will take time but we will do our best to restore the connection in the shortest time possible. We would like to ask your kind patience until then.

Our apologize for the caused inconvenience!

5 years 263 days ago
The worked great last week on ps4 pro NA. I got to level25 or so without any issues. It seems this is only after v2.03 patch. It's not 226 days old of an issues, more like 2 days of an issue. Imo it's worth it, neocore games isn't as big as some of these triple A corporate clowns like EA. Just give it some time and it will be worth it I believe. Gonna pick up chaosbane on Friday either way but Inquisitor was my first Warhammer game and I'm very happy with Imperium Edition.
5 years 263 days ago
The fact that this thread is like 200 something days old and this is still a problem has me definitely thinking I should have picked chaosbane instead of inquisitor.
5 years 263 days ago
Right there with you. It's ridiculous that I paid for this game and can't load into it at all. 
5 years 263 days ago
Has this honestly been an ongoing issue for like a year? A fucking year?!? Are you kidding me? I would not have bought this game if i knew i would be able to play for 3 hours and seem to never be able to connect again. Buying it on Ps4 means i can't get a refund either, so well played i guess devs, well fucking played. 
5 years 318 days ago
Thanks @RIGG‍ , the connection seems to be fine for some time now both on our end and at players' side now!:)
5 years 318 days ago

hi Marco )

I played normally yesterday (04/11/19) around 13:00 (UTC) a couple of hours on PS4 from russia. I did not have connection problems.

5 years 319 days ago

You may experience further connection problems but our team as well as our backend provider is still working on the case. We will avert the problem as soon as possible! We would like to apologize for the inconvenience!

5 years 319 days ago
Servers down!? If I knew this was an online only game I wouldn’t have paid almost £60 for it!!

What a waste of money, absolute rip-off!!

6 years 121 days ago
Aurelius Varro

Please send a message to [email protected] about this issue. As we checked the servers are running as intended. 

6 years 122 days ago

I got disconnected just as I finished a mission on PS4 about an hour ago. Tried to log back in twice but got the same error message. I’ll try again in an hour or so and see if I can connect.

6 years 122 days ago

It still doesn't connect at all. Could you please provide some info on server status at least? I can't connect for a week already

6 years 122 days ago
Same stuff. Did everything in FAQ, nothing helps.
6 years 123 days ago

may I ask is the issue still present? As far as we know this was a temporary case and everything works now as intended! Please get back to us in case it still does not work!