Seasons to permanent features


As the Season of the Warp Surge will end one day, like the Season of the Inferno ended, that would be interesting to keep the features they add, randomly in some missions.

For example, in Warframe they have a "Kuva Fortress" that moves on the Solar System map. All the planets and moons around this Fortress have special "Kuva" missions where you can obtain this specific resource (Kuva) and fight specific enemies.

Maybe you can set something similar that would add the Inferno and Warp Surge effects in some areas, then move to other sectors every days or weeks.

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Seasons to permanent features
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3 years 313 days ago
And believe it or not, I get thumbs down for actually liking to have SOME Features as perhaps permanent.

I didn´t think that after Season end where having 10 new things to do, having maybe 1 of those thing(s) as a permanent thing, was such a bad idea to get Thumbs down for it. Oh well.

3 years 313 days ago

This is actually a good idea. We will have a brainstorming about it, thanks a bunch!:3

3 years 314 days ago
Brother Kundari
Indeed. The more they will propose new seasons the more we can be overwhelmed by those features. Maybe activating them time to time + in specific areas/sectors, let's say "one week Inferno > nothing > one week Warp Surge > nothing > nothing > ...", could make it less intrusive. 
3 years 315 days ago
I can´t say that it is a bad suggestion. To the extent that I do only would wish to see some features again.

I do not wish to see everything as a permanent feature, that would just be too much. Because after all, there is a reason for it being called Seasons, you know. If one Season is having 10 new Features, I would think it would be nice to see 1 or maybe 2 of those Features as we call it again laters as a permanent thing.
3 years 315 days ago
That's actually a cool suggestion! I like it!

It would be nice to be able to still get some of the exclusives after the event ends.