Seasonal Character: Campaign Dialogue still missing



I have to say I'm disapppointed. 40 Days ago, I created a bug report about the problem that the quest/campaign dialogue in the story missions have completely disappeared for me sice the mission Chapter 2 "The pirate vessel". No intel video feed from de Winter, no dialogue from my inquisitor etc. On the ship or in side missions everything is okay. So you guys promised to do something about this, but nothing happend.

 I posted here

and here

So I paused the game, waiting for some change. Now we have seasons (Yeah! Nice Job!) and I thought you would have done sth about this in the meantime, so I created a seasonal character and hoped for the best. But still, same problem as before.

Accountname is: arkarion23

Characters: Hadrian, Arkarion and new (seasonal) Zarathustra

Please do something about this, I beg you.

Thanks in advance


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Seasonal Character: Campaign Dialogue still missing
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4 years 231 days ago

With that said, please let us know in case you still run into story missions after this investigation where there are no voices/videos.

4 years 231 days ago
ehm okay, so not even a voice massage like after activating the cogitators or completing all of them? That feels really strange, I have to say. Seems unfinished for me, but okay, I will move on. Thanks for the info!
4 years 231 days ago
Our devs checked on the report but found no problem as the Feral Dogs investigation does not have voice nor video. If you proceed further and finish the investigation you should once again get voice messages and video feeds.