Ruined building covers issue. Xbox One X


Hi, I've noticed this bug with large crumbled buildings cover that are present in ruined city type maps, this kind of covers once destroyed disappears normally as any other cover but still block movement. 

In some areas with a lot of this covers, once all have been destroyed they created an invisible wall maze that made navigate the map a nightmare.

 it can be easy reproduced in the two Viper's Nest missions that take place in the city maps.

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Ruined building covers issue. Xbox One X
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6 years 173 days ago
Don't know if it can help but I have seen a couple of gameplay video recorder on PC and noticed how the ruined buildings covers works on PC, in short the smaller buildings crumble leaving a pile of rubbish that the player sorta "climb up" to traverse; the largest covers instead after crumbling leaves smaller but visible ruins that are indeed impassable.

The fact is that on console all covers simply disappears and this may cause the issue reported above.