Road-meo Road-mea where for art thou Road-map


For the first couple of weeks, the road map was my blanket. When painful memories surfaced of past warhammer games I would hold that road map tight. Sometimes when I got scared I would even read it to reassure myself that things won't go all ec.


Obviously if the road map was no longer accurate or needed amendments that's all dandy. Just wanted to throw it out there though that it is sorely missed as it provided some much needed reassurance regarding the direction of the game as well as stuff to look forward to. In many ways I think it helped keep many testers motivated :)

Hope it comes back soon.

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Road-meo Road-mea where for art thou Road-map
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7 years 260 days ago

I do sympathise with the view expressed here.

Whilst I can understand why the road map was removed when it became significantly inaccurate, it was effectively the only meaningful communication or update from Neocore Games.
The situation now is that there seems to be no meaningful communication, updates or any indication on what is happening with this game.
Whilst there are certainty indication of new people playing the game, it would also seem, I suggest, that there is indication of a significant turnover of those actively playing or interested in the game. Perhaps the psychological contract has been 'played out'.

I do not know whether current events in Hungary are having an impact on the company, but regardless if things continue as they are I would anticipate the support for the game to continue to drop.

7 years 260 days ago

Currently we are working on the next patch. The new roadmap is also coming, but there is no ETA yet.

We are also gathering your feedback, bug reports and your feature requests so keep it up!

This comment was edited 7 years 260 days ago by Morzan
7 years 260 days ago

The road map was the main reason I bought into this game so early. I think without it, many will take a pass on buying in at this stage. Others who do so, will continue to make uninformed posts on the direction of the game and some will cry for refunds. I think if you have all the testers & cash you need right now, then fine it can wait, but if you don't, then a new road map should be a high priority.

7 years 260 days ago

Was there a different road map than the one on The Founding page?

7 years 260 days ago
Posted by ctiger 7 years 260 days ago

The road map was the main reason I bought into this game so early. I think without it, many will take a pass on buying in at this stage. Others who do so, will continue to make uninformed posts on the direction of the game and some will cry for refunds. I think if you have all the testers & cash you need right now, then fine it can wait, but if you don't, then a new road map should be a high priority.

Strongly agree! Seeing a plan set out early on gave me the confidence to get in early. I fully expected dates to be changed due to iteration or simply delays because this happens when a project progresses, but I would expect a revision to the established timeline/road map once enough information is available to the development team. Some progress information would keep a lot of people happy, however vague it may be. 

7 years 260 days ago

I agree; neocoregames commutation has left a lot to be desired. They are going down the same rabbit hole that EC did; when they over promised with open world MMO and delivered a lobby shooter. Now neocoregames has promised a persistent open world ARPG but hasn't shown anything to support that claim. They need to start putting up and show how they are going to make their promises a reality, because right now they are just talking a lot of hot air.

7 years 258 days ago
Posted by Veda Raa 7 years 260 days ago

I agree; neocoregames commutation has left a lot to be desired. They are going down the same rabbit hole that EC did; when they over promised with open world MMO and delivered a lobby shooter. Now neocoregames has promised a persistent open world ARPG but hasn't shown anything to support that claim. They need to start putting up and show how they are going to make their promises a reality, because right now they are just talking a lot of hot air.

Woha Woah Woah there nessy - I think it's fair to comment on communications levels etc. But I think it's safe to say what we are getting it at least the same genre as they have promised :D

7 years 256 days ago

to be honest, roadmaps always kept me coming back to a early access game. Without it, i get concerned. BUT! Even without it, this among the most fun alpha game ive played in a long time.

7 years 256 days ago
Posted by Jnuttengr 7 years 260 days ago

Was there a different road map than the one on The Founding page?

They had to pull the old one, as many of the stretch goals promised have not arrived due to internal issues, devolpment or just falling behind. So Neocoregames had put out a statement that they had to pull the old one for tweaking and updating.