Question on seasonal characters


Hi, I joined in October, and rolled seasonal characters for every slot.  At the end of last season, all of my characters changed from seasonal -> regular, and contents of my seasonal stash appeared in a new tab, allowing me to move it to my regular stash.  So for so good.

Now that season 4 has started, I'd assumed my regular characters would have a "rebirth" option like you see in D3, where they become lvl 1 seasonal characters, and their regular gear / progress / etc. is put on hold for the duration of the new season.

As far as I can see however, once a character has reverted from seasonal -> regular, the only way to get them back into the next season is to actually delete them and recreate as seasonal (thereby perma-discarding all gear / progress).  Is this correct, or am I missing something?

Also, when I first logged in and got the season 4 popup, it included an option to create a new seasonal character, however I first clicked on the "compendium" button to research season details, and once I closed that, the option was gone.

Not sure if that would have helped, since all of my slots are taken (maybe it would have just said I needed to free up a slot first?), but it seemed a bit odd.

Anyway, if someone could please let me know if there is any kind of rebirth option or if deleting / recreating is the only way to join a new season after your slots are filled up, I would appreciate the input!

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Question on seasonal characters
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3 years 70 days ago

Yes, I am starting to see what you mean about class backgrounds becoming less meaningful at higher levels, but to a large extent I am also finding that as I level and class backgrounds become less meaningful, the increasing selection of gear / perks / passives starts providing me more playstyles to choose from, so that it seems to more or less equal out over time (e.g. I can usually find a ranged, melee or "other" style for a given class, that is fun to play).

Not always - so far I've only found 2 styles I enjoy playing for psykers and AD, but I'm sure any "saved" slots will get used up when Battle Sisters comes out (unless it includes extra slots that is).

And technically I could just have 1 of each class, and switch out gear / perks / passives to try different styles, but I think it would be kind of a hassle.

If they keep adding slots (started at 6 and is now up to 11 IIRC), at some point I will end up with 1-2 that I don't "need", which I may use for seasonal recycles, but we'll see - would definitely prefer a rebirth option.

3 years 70 days ago

Wow, that's admirable :) 

I have simiar passion in my early days in this game. However, after you spent more time in the game, you may be surprised to find that the 3 backgrounds have almost no impact in end-game builds.... (only minor differences in attribute points. The unique perk of each background?  They seldom go into end-game builds, at least never a must-to-do)

On the other hand, the Morality system has much stronger impact on end-game builds.

I would say , in current version, 3 factors decide the playstyle of a character:

1. Choice of main weapon. 

2. Relic system(enraged/berserk etc.).

3. Morality system (puritan/radical) 

Items can be changed/rerolled and skill/attributes can be redistributed. 

However since morality is important and very hard to reverse, for old gamers it is common to have at least 2 characters for each class: one puritan and one radical. (4*2 = 8 characters)

If you are determined to experience the full diversity of characters, 4*2*3 = 24 slots are what you are needed :( 

This comment was edited 3 years 70 days ago by Distemper
3 years 71 days ago

Thanks for the response.  I think I'll stick with regular + mission events until a rebirth option is added.  It's just my own preference.

One of my favorite things about a good ARPG / MMORPG is the way classes are designed and balanced, and so I like to try them all (or as many as possible - 4 classes x 3 backgrounds ea. already exceeds the available slots, but that's not a problem as I'm not into the pistol psyker).  Hence why I maxed out my character slots right away, for anyone who is curious.

I do have one character that I'm willing to delete (melee AD), but I'm saving that slot for the battle sisters xpac, when I can create something I don't have to later delete.

3 years 71 days ago

1. As far as I can see however, once a character has reverted from seasonal -> regular, the only way to get them back into the next season is to actually delete them and recreate as seasonal (thereby perma-discarding all gear / progress).  Is this correct, or am I missing something?

It depends on your decision. You can keep it and create a new one if you have enough slots. But if you don't then it is recommended to delete one which is not that precious to you so as to create a new seasonal character.

2. Also, when I first logged in and got the season 4 popup, it included an option to create a new seasonal character, however I first clicked on the "compendium" button to research season details, and once I closed that, the option was gone.

You can see the option in the lower left corner when creating a character. Just tick it and you are good to go.

3 years 71 days ago
Yes, it is the only option (delete and recreate).

It's rather extreme to create so many characters in just 2 months, are you using them for storage? 

If so, then you are even a greater hoarder than me :)......Maybe you could try to just keep 1+5 , LV 90+ items with useful main enchants. Trust me, you won't need anything lower if you keep playing.