Psyker: "Death Augury" is not working!


Greetings fellow inquisitors,

I discovered a not working psychic power.

Death Augury should prevent you from death, as the description reads: "A protective ward that remains active until triggered by an attack that would kill the character. It averts the death blow, heals the character to 50% Health and 50% Suppression Resistance, but also adds 65 Warp Heat (does not stack)".

The power is a selfe buff, but there is no icon displayed that it is active. Dispite of that, I tested it anyway with the result that it is not working. I tested it with the following masteries: Reduced Cooldown, Symbiosis and Damage Boost.

Maybe someone has found out a way to get it working. So let me know in the comments.

Otherwise, dear devs, feel free to fix that bug. Thanks :-)

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Psyker: "Death Augury" is not working!
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6 years 255 days ago

Ah, ok. I did mis-read it. I must have confused it with another power. Sorry, my bad. 


6 years 255 days ago
Posted by Khall 6 years 255 days ago
I'm not high enough level to use it, but your description of how it works is off. Someone below had a good comment about the suppression bar and how it relates. But the other thing doesn't avert the death blow. Only 50% of damage. So if you only have 4 hps left and the guy does 10 dmg, you're still dead. Even with death augury active. He would have to do 6 or less for it to kick in and save you. At 8, you'd still lose the 4 remaining hps you have even @ 50%. Though it could also just be bugged, you never know, I suppose.:)


Are you sure about this?

[edit:] Now I did read right what you said, and you did understand it completely wrong, it heals 50% of your max HP, not 50% of the death blow, which is simply nullified.

I have had it activate in very specific situations, and IF you were not stripped of your buffs due to low suppression resistence, it should by all means work, it did for me a few times as I was running lower level missions to get certain achievements faster.

There, lower level mission (compared to your lvl) => lower dmg, did not look much at my HP and they went lower and lower whereas suppression resistence regenrated fast somewhere in between mob groups, so I had the situation of having very low HP and full suppression resistence (damn this stupid name! just call it armor or whatever!!! -.-),
- buffs were still on, due to full SR
- HP went down and triggered death augury
- got 50% HP back as advertised

So it does "work", it is just extremely impractical as you can not really come into a situation where it would work without basically trying to kill yourself.

This comment was edited 6 years 255 days ago by Tao12345
6 years 255 days ago
Posted by Khall 6 years 255 days ago
I'm not high enough level to use it, but your description of how it works is off. Someone below had a good comment about the suppression bar and how it relates. But the other thing doesn't avert the death blow. Only 50% of damage. So if you only have 4 hps left and the guy does 10 dmg, you're still dead. Even with death augury active. He would have to do 6 or less for it to kick in and save you. At 8, you'd still lose the 4 remaining hps you have even @ 50%. Though it could also just be bugged, you never know, I suppose.:)


Thank you for your reply, but I dont't know if you may missunderstood the description. Its is 1:1 copied from the game. And there it says: "It averts the death blow, heals the character to 50% Health and 50% Suppression Resistance...."

So for my understanding it is meant to prevent you from death, if you got hit by an killing blow reguardless if it is over your remaining HP before the proc.

6 years 255 days ago
I'm not high enough level to use it, but your description of how it works is off. Someone below had a good comment about the suppression bar and how it relates. But the other thing doesn't avert the death blow. Only 50% of damage. So if you only have 4 hps left and the guy does 10 dmg, you're still dead. Even with death augury active. He would have to do 6 or less for it to kick in and save you. At 8, you'd still lose the 4 remaining hps you have even @ 50%. Though it could also just be bugged, you never know, I suppose.:)


6 years 256 days ago
Posted by LineArckNyu 6 years 256 days ago
what you expect it's a beta (both preconition and preconitive doge bug out half time to)
That's wrong, they work fine as long as you:

- keep your suppression resistance (terrible word -.-) up, AND
- you do not let any charge-ability-mob charge you, not even close, AND
- you do not step onto (mostly invisible) mines, AND
- you have no cut-scenes that also completely debuff you

simply, isn't it?! :D :D :D

6 years 256 days ago
what you expect it's a beta (both preconition and preconitive doge bug out half time to)
6 years 256 days ago

I only use it for the buff runes I added. It basically provides a way to have other buffs for a long time ;)

6 years 257 days ago
I have honestly not testing Death Augury in 1.0 release build and later,

as it is by design useless, I'll explain later.

In Alpha though, it "worked" at least that far that there was a buff icon displayed.

Explanation - Why Death Augury is a prime example of how not-thought-through this game is:
- Death Augury is a buff, idk if it even works currently as the OP in this thread said, but if it "worked", it is a buff
- If you are close to death, your "Suppression Resistence" (why not just call it Armor?!) is also pretty much guaranteed to be low or nonexistant
- if you Suppression Resistence is low, any mob, even some of the most tiny ones, has the ability to stun or knockdown you, or just outright remove all your buffs by just looking at you
- being affected by stun, knockdown, and some other things, instantly removes ALL BUFFS
- being affected by stun or knockdown also has a high chance of getting you a near death experience, "near" from either side that is ^^


Death Augury is, by design of the game mechanics, reliably removed in 99% of the cases where you would actually trigger it.