Psyker and Psalm Doctorine Questions


Hello, I have so many questions. 

I created a new Psyker, haven't been playing all that long. I am running 2 rods for witchfire and buffs for damage, I'm mainly just trying to level for now. 

I put Shroud Psalm, Emanatus Psalm, Voltaic Psalm,  on one rod for 100% Damage to all One-Handed Melee Weapon Skills, does this even effect the rods and my witchfire?

What psalms work well on rods?

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Psyker and Psalm Doctorine Questions
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4 years 195 days ago
Thank you. 
4 years 200 days ago

The answer to your question is in the description "One-Handed Melee Weapon Skills" a rod is first of all not a melee weapon but a ranged weapon. Second thing, it deals heat damage so Phosphoenic Psalm + Binharic Psalm + Volkite Psalm + Terminus Psalm+100% Heat Damage is the correct psalm code doctrine. You just have to look at ability tooltip. All the tags are in there and if you see an ability or anything else referring to that tag it means that it works with it.

This comment was edited 4 years 200 days ago by NargothTheGrim
4 years 200 days ago

damage type is whats important. if you want to buff specifically witchfire's damage go heat. damage type is written right next to dps. warpheat is just your resource it doesnt effect anything other then is anomalies going to bite you in the ass or not.

This comment was edited 4 years 200 days ago by MeToLee
4 years 200 days ago
It's warp heat, so is that warp damage and heat damage? The keywords in this game are a mess. Rods don't really have a melee attack, but melee and guns do, so they have more options?
4 years 201 days ago

it should work rods are one handed weapons after all but I wouldnt be suprised if those doctrines are meant for melees or if they're not working at all. if I remember correctly witchfire was heat damage so you can try heat damage boosting doctrines.