PC - I can't log into the bug report site from the game, also I lost 75 fate


I bought a Destruction Amplification earlier today, wasn't thinking about the fate cost, wasn't paying attention. Saw that it cost me 75 fate and that the sell back price was x-amount of calgari credits and 75 Fate, sold the item back, didn't get credits back and the item did not appear for me to buy back in the sold area. It's not a huge loss buit it is my time and I'm trying to build out my tech tree. I'm hoping the end game isn't a grind festival. 

This post was edited 4 years 202 days ago by ThingOne
Store Page
4 years 195 days ago

well I cant get an image to upload but if you look at the url you can see sell value on my new purity seal and it says sale value and has 10522 C and 3 Fate. I saw that on the Destruction Amplification and it had 100 fate listed after the sale value and assumed I would get the fate back if I sold it. here is a imjur link - https://imgur.com/6p8V5GL

4 years 195 days ago


4 years 195 days ago
I hadn't unlocked the other stores yet, didn't know they existed. I wasn't being a smarty pants I didn't understand the question.
4 years 200 days ago

There are other stores too but I get your point now, we will check the item!

4 years 201 days ago

I bought the destruction amplification from the captain in the ship. The one standing by the start map. Isn't that the only store?

This comment was edited 4 years 201 days ago by ThingOne
4 years 201 days ago

Where did you purchase the item if I may ask? Usually the item's original price cannot be received back, it can be sold on a much lower price. Nevertheless we want to check the respective shop's items.