Psalm codes, psalm doctrines and their bonusses


Hi all,

I'm looking for some feedback to better understand the Psalm codes that we socket into gear and their doctrines.

  1. Having the same psalm code socketed multiple times on  a piece of gear
    • Does this effectivly apply the bonus from that psalm code multiple times or is the bonus for that specific psalm code only taken into account once?
      I believe it does not count multiple times, but I could be incorrect.

  2. Having the same psalm code on different pieces of gear
    • I'm pretty sure this is correct but when you have for example Iron Psalm on your main implant and again on your armor: does it apply twice? It is my understanding that having the same psalm code spread over different pieces of gear means that psalm code's bonus gets applied multiple times

  3. Can you have the same Psalm Doctrine active multiple times.
    • I have for example the following psalm doctrine active on my armor:
      50% extra physical damage and physical resistance for enemies is halved
      Can I apply the same doctrine on an other piece of gear and will that doctrine then be applied so basically I'll have two increases for physical damage and the resistance for enemies get halved twice?

  4. Stat cap from bonusses
    • Not specifically related tot Psalm codes but related nonetheless.
      Let's say I have my physical damage bonus at 75%. If I then apply a 50% physical damage bonus from a Psalm code or doctrine, will it be capped at 100%? or will it increase to 125%
      I'd like to know what the caps are for the different stats (if such information is publicly known and shared) and if applying bonusses from equipment, psalm codes etc.. are limited to those caps or can go beyond those caps.

Thanks all for your time.
I only just started to invest in socketing so I'm still learning.


This post was edited 4 years 32 days ago by Heruceva
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Psalm codes, psalm doctrines and their bonusses
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4 years 18 days ago
Brother Kundari
Thank you for your reply.

That clarifies things regarding that question.

Any input regarding the other topics would also be appreciated :)

4 years 22 days ago
This 2b of yours.

No, the Doctrines need NOT be equipped on the specific Weapon to be effective. You can have a doctrine on any item in order of it to be effective/in effect. But you need to have it in the open in order for it to have effect. With that I mean, you need to make sure it is being used in according to which Weapon Mode you are currently in.

With this I mean, (but I´m not 100% sure) if you are having a Doctrine on Weapon in Mode 1, and if you are using Weapon in Mode 2, the Doctrine(s) does not count towards the one you are currently using. This is at least the case for Signums.

4 years 27 days ago


I tried a couple of things this weekend:

1. I can't seem to get the tooltip information. I guess this is not implemented on consoles or I can't seem to figure that out.

2. I applied the doctrine for  +100% Damage to all Rifle Skills on my boltgun, but don't understand how it gets applied.

3. I'm lvl 85 now with two pieces of equipment having doctrines.
I have enough archeotech fragments to fuse extra slots. Should I make the investment now or should I wait until I'm 90+?
The doctrines have a big effect though.. E.G. I couldn't get past 5min in Unholy Cathedral and now I get around 8min consecutively. I'm kinda stuck on how to improve my build too... I can do +5 missions easily enough (albeit a bit slower), but would like to get more speed and damage on higher missions. Doctrines seem the only way for me to achieve that now.
Any suggestions on doctrines?

In regard to number 2, I'll elaborate: at first I didn't notice a difference, until I unequipped and re-equipped the weapon.
Only then, the damage output for the weapon skills increased. Only.. they didn't increase by 100%...

  • 2a. I figure, if you have boosts active like increase single shot damage by x %, or increase ranged/physical damage x%,... the doctrine doesn't take that in account and it is instead based on the base damage of the weapon skill? Is that correct?
    Is there a way to find out the base damage for those weapon skills because the increase this doctrine gave is more like 50%.
    Example: the aimed shot only increased from 5.5K to 8K

  • 2b. Do doctrines need to be equipped on the weapon for it to be effective, or does it not matter on what you equip them?
    I could tell this myself by experiencing but because I already had to toy around to even see the change, my best bet was to try and get a conclusive answer here.


This comment was edited 4 years 27 days ago by Heruceva
4 years 30 days ago
Thx again.

I really appreciate the time you took to share your insight and thoughts on this!

I'll try out if I can somehow navigate around on the screens with the controller but my guess is that this is not implemented for consoles (many games rework their interface for consoles because of this. e.g. stellaris). I'll check it out nonetheless, thx for your tip.


It seems playing around with psalms and doctrines is more complicated than I first anticipated.
No matter, I love a challenge but I'm still struggling with the caps and psalm and doctrine effects. Especially since not all changes are reflected on the character sheet.

I'll have some spare time this weekend and will try to dig deeper into this.

Again, thx a lot. Really appreciate it!!!

4 years 31 days ago

"However I'm playing on PS4..."

If you're playing on console, some of my response doesn't apply. I don't believe the keyword "supreme" has been added yet, so figuring out which effects exceed the soft cap is going to be more difficult for you.

"...I can't hover over the stats to see tooltip information (not that I know of a way to do that anyway)."

PC also supports a controller, so I checked it out. Pressing 'select' (maybe "back" for you or whatever the button next to "start" is) and then using the left stick or D-pad to navigate around lets you view the tooltips for the character sheet. My guess is that consoles work the same way.

"Psalm Codes still apply even when you hit the soft or hard cap? Or only when you hit te soft cap?"

No, the caps apply evenly across the board. Psalm codes are not really that different than gear enchants. For example, some relic enchants stack (e.g, "X% Damage Bonus in Enraged state") and some don't (e.g., "When in Enraged state enemies within 5 meters are Feared"). Some psalm codes stack (e.g., "+10% DMG on Bleeding enemies") and some don't ("When struck, gain +20% damage for 2 seconds."). But all enchants and psalm codes obey the caps. Some enchants and psalm codes are limited by the hard cap (in the PC version, these are all listed as giving 'supreme' stats, but in the console it's ambiguous until they add the keyword for you folks) but more are limited by the soft cap.

"I'll have a look at the compendium to see if I can figure out which psalm codes and doctrines stack."

Be prepared for some ambiguity. Some are explicitly listed, but it can't hurt to play around and test things. For instance, the Uncreator psalm sounds (from its description) like it wouldn't stack---after all, what does changing 10 to 15 multiple times do? But in reality, its behavior is actually adding 50% to vulnerability effectiveness, and it does stack. Inquisitor is not a game known for its good descriptions, unfortunately.

4 years 32 days ago
Thx a lot for your reply!

In regard to the stat caps: that's really nice information.
However I'm playing on PS4 and I can't hover over the stats to see tooltip information (not that I know of a way to do that anyway).

So basically: Psalm Codes still apply even when you hit the soft or hard cap? Or only when you hit te soft cap?

Of course, crit could never be more than 100%.

I'll have a look at the compendium to see if I can figure out which psalm codes and doctrines stack.

Thx again for your time, much appreciated!

4 years 32 days ago
  • Having the same psalm code socketed multiple times on  a piece of gear
    • Does this effectivly apply the bonus from that psalm code multiple times or is the bonus for that specific psalm code only taken into account once?

No. Only one psalm code per item will give a benefit.

  • Having the same psalm code on different pieces of gear
    • I'm pretty sure this is correct but when you have for example Iron Psalm on your main implant and again on your armor: does it apply twice? It is my understanding that having the same psalm code spread over different pieces of gear means that psalm code's bonus gets applied multiple times

Yes, so long as the psalm code itself stacks (some do not, and usually the compendium lists that in the description).

  • Can you have the same Psalm Doctrine active multiple times.
    • I have for example the following psalm doctrine active on my armor:
      50% extra physical damage and physical resistance for enemies is halved
      Can I apply the same doctrine on an other piece of gear and will that doctrine then be applied so basically I'll have two increases for physical damage and the resistance for enemies get halved twice?

Yes, so long as the doctrine itself stacks. Usually doctrines which give a +X bonus (damage, for instance) do stack. Usually doctrines which qualitatively change the behavior of something do not stack.

  • Stat cap from bonusses
    • Not specifically related tot Psalm codes but related nonetheless.
      Let's say I have my physical damage bonus at 75%. If I then apply a 50% physical damage bonus from a Psalm code or doctrine, will it be capped at 100%? or will it increase to 125%
      I'd like to know what the caps are for the different stats (if such information is publicly known and shared) and if applying bonusses from equipment, psalm codes etc.. are limited to those caps or can go beyond those caps.

Psalm codes have no special behavior with respect to caps. If the stat itself has a cap (soft or hard), it will still apply. Soft caps (60% for resist, DR, deflect, and dodge; 50% for crit) are listed in the character sheet. Hover over the stat for more information. Soft caps cap be exceeded with "supreme" stat bonuses. Hard caps (80% for resist, DR, deflect, and dodge; 100% for crit; 75% for suppression resistance) are also listed in the character sheet tooltips, but can never be exceeded. Normally, if a stat is capped (soft or hard), it will appear yellow in the character sheet (suppression resistance is currently bugged and will show up as exceeding 75%, but it will not give any benefit over 75%).