PS4 - Unable to interact with cogitator


Hello all,

Had this happening a few times but never had any real issues that stopped me from completing a mission until a few minutes ago (goodbye priority mission).

I had to interact with a Cogitator which was next to a medical supply box and a supply box. Since i'm not able to get the supplies from the ground, whenever I held X to interact the character would just move away towards the supplies on the ground.

There's a few annoying points on the aiming/target acquisition but so far this is the only game breaking one that i've had... Hopefully it'll be fixed soon.

Video for the issue:

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PS4 - Unable to interact with cogitator
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6 years 206 days ago
This'll get fixed in the next update :)
6 years 207 days ago
I just had the same problem on the Xbox, get all the way through mission all I have to do is use the cogitator and because theres a Grenada on the floor I can’t finish the mission, n because I’m a psyker I can’t just toss a grenade. So frustrating

6 years 207 days ago
Same problem here on the XBox. Here I have changed the controller layout because it always try’s to attack something. Because the Frist skill is on “A” on the Xbox and using objects is the same. So it try’s to attack everything but not uses the object. Now I have changed it that alle skills are on the shoulder Buttons (RB,LB,RT,LT) and using Objektes is still on “A”. But now I have the same issue with the supply boxes/resources. Most of the time i have to use the Inoculator and the Support Skill till I have lost enough to pickup alle the supply. Than I can use the mission object again. Sometimes I have to go all around the object to find a week spot where I can use him without trikering some boxes ore cover.