(PS4) Difficulty selection Priority Assignment


Fellow Inquisitors, 

How do you select the difficulty for a Priority Assignment? When doing campaign missions I can select the difficulty by pressing the TouchPad of the PS4 controller. But with a Priority Assignment mission nothing happens. Am I missing something? 

Here's a picture:
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(PS4) Difficulty selection Priority Assignment
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4 years 264 days ago

but keep in mind the dlc missions don't give choose difficulty :(

4 years 265 days ago
Posted by Rigg 4 years 265 days ago

you choose difficulty at the beginning when you start the chain of missions (clicking on the touch panel). the difficulty cannot be changed during the investigation.

Omg. You're right. Feel so stupid right now. Thank you sir! 
4 years 265 days ago

you choose difficulty at the beginning when you start the chain of missions (clicking on the touch panel). the difficulty cannot be changed during the investigation.