[PS] Extended Server Maintenance starting September 24 11:59PM CEST



in order to migrate the game's current PlayStation backend systems to AWS (Amazon Web Services), just like in case of Xbox servers a few days ago, we will be doing an extended maintenance starting on September 24, 11:59PM UTC We have to migrate our backend services not only because it is a task born out of necessity (since our old provider is being shut down), but for practical reasons as well. We aim to solve many recurring issues by having our own backend system developed for the current form of Inquisitor, including item loss and disconnections.

The migration will last for approximately 72 hours, and in the meantime, make sure to check our socials and forums for any news.


Once the migration is done, you will be able to continue exactly where you left off, so that you can lay waste on heretics all over the Caligari Sector.

Please note that maintenance in the Japanese region will last slightly longer, we're expecting the Japanese servers to come back online 1-2 days after other regions. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding!


As we understand that this is rather unexpected, we'd like to offer some insight into the details as to why it is happening.

The main reason behind the change is that our current server provider (GameSparks) will be sunset and won't be operational in the future. We looked into many opportunities and decided that migrating to AWS is the best choice for us thanks to its high quality server services, as well as due to its stability and longevity.

We want to make sure that the game is live for a long time still, that's why we're committed to delivering frequent updates, as well as the upcoming Sororitas DLC with an entirely new class.

We know how frustrating it can be to have this much downtime, but we will do our best to make sure that the migration is completed in as little time as possible.

We'd like to thank you all for your understanding and support. If you have any questions regarding this process, don't hesitate to leave a comment.

As always: The Emperor Protects.

This post was edited 2 years 186 days ago by patrikNeocore
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[PS] Extended Server Maintenance starting September 24 11:59PM CEST
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2 years 182 days ago
Hi, im new to the game, been playing it for 1 week, i fell in love with it, its an awesome game and im having a ton of fun, however, when i try to play with friends its very difficult because we've been experiencing some very serious lag issues, i live in brazil, so do my friends, and we're aways at 200 ping or above, my question is, will this backend system migration solve this problem? Or at least make it less laggy for us?