Please balance the Ogryns


Dear Dev Team,

today I was playing with my Crusader and faced a mob with 3 Ogryn Champions. They all carried Shotguns. With only 1 blast from each one (there was no way I could pull them alone) I got knocked back with no chance of moving away, instantly surpressed and then of course died. It took me over 10 Minutes of running and trying to kill those 3. 

I think they are way to strong if maybe one of those is in a mob, I am ok with it but 3 is just OVERkill.

Please look into it and consider.

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Please balance the Ogryns
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6 years 328 days ago

I think you're right, I think its an inoculator which I'm totally fine with, if we have them why cant enemies, it makes sense.

I'm not saying get rid of it as that'd make the game too easy and I think that we all want a challenging game. but I do think that it should be reworked so that it follows what happens when we use them. their health gradually returns not just 80 - 90 % of their health returning instantly.

6 years 328 days ago
That ~80% regeneration on the commanders seems to be a special skill or power they have (like our innoculator), I only saw them doing it once each, no more.
6 years 331 days ago
Guess ill just add to the ranks.

Playing a melee crusader. Mostly 2h axe.

 1 ogryn isnt a problem. 2 of them with guns means take one down run since suppression = 0. try to hide with what i would call really really bad cover system just to go back and kill the 2nd one. But 3 of them...... cant kill em. not that i die due to loss of life but i go from 100 to 0 suppression in 1 sec and the crusader turns into a useless heap. And since they can waste my suppression even whilst jumping in i cant even start to do anything before being fucked. Needs some reworking to be good. Could be fun if the cover system proved worth it but as of now no. just no. 

6 years 331 days ago
I can make the same with the crusader and the assassin melee or ranged dont matter. They will be nerfed everything is fine :D.
6 years 332 days ago

Mentioned this before, completely agree with OP here. Please do something about the health regen or the chance of spawning these guys in large groups. On the other hand, make the Bullgryns a little tankier, please. Kind of fed up with tripple enforcers chasing me all over the map, blocking shots, then falling back due to my own knockback ability so they can regen happily. 


"If you don't play the most usless psyker builds you can build you have no problems killing 100 Ogryns at once. That's not the games fault it's yours. Well the people get what they want and Ogryns well be as useless as space marines ans soon the most difficult enemys will be the standart goons. Good job everyone ^^."

Wow, You are so kewl, You can make the badly balanced psyker into a killing machine, sooooo impressed. This was a request about a balancing issue. Obviously balancing is coming up, both between player classes and mobs, but early access at this stage is also a place to collect proper feedback on exactly this kind of issue. Good balancing means it's a challenge for every class, but not a dead-end for any. Not that someone who is obviously much smarter and more competent than all of us is able to create (or copy...) a build that can steamroll the game.

6 years 333 days ago

I don't think that Ogryns OP other than the fact they have stupidly high regen.

The shotgun Ogryns can be wasted from range so just kite them.

My problem is the health regen entirely.

I personally think that its been added to make the game more difficult.

The thing is its not just the Ogryns that have OP regen, Tanks (as well as being able to turn 180 as quick as I can) Sentinels, Dreadnaught, Decimators have stupidly high regen and then there's the commanders who for some weird reason can heal 75 - 80 % of their health instantly.

This for me is the main problem I have with the game at the moment.

I'm not moaning just to moan I genuinely think that this is a daft problem to have and cant understand why its even a thing.

Sure let them have regen but at a decent speed so its not obnoxious also having them regen health even while in combat or under fire is just plain stupid and I cant see what the reason was to have it like this.

The only things that should have regen are Plague daemons & space marines.

Sure you could argue that because its Nurgle it'd make sense for them to heal this quick but if you're going to go that route then at least make it so it's fair.

6 years 333 days ago

With certain setups packs of 3 Ogryns are very hard to kill. Using melee without shield charge or  jumppack I couldn't even reach them before getting mowed down. Then I kited with a ranged weapon until they finally split up.

The combination of high regen and instant lockdown is really nasty.

6 years 346 days ago
Posted by Ghakis 6 years 349 days ago
I don't think this issue just applies to the crusader class.  I started trying the latest update with my psyker trying a "green" mission.

Before this latest update taking on these guys wouldn't be a big deal, but I ran through all of my innoculator charges and still couldn't kill them.  Finally surrendered the mission out of frustration.

I thought the goal with 0.7.x was to make combat faster and more like other ARPG's rather than making it slow and tedious.  But this latest update is a step backwards towards slow and tedious and definitely away from fast and smooth.

I'm glad to hear that balance changes are coming because this update has been an unpleasant surprise so far.

If you don't play the most usless psyker builds you can build you have no problems killing 100 Ogryns at once. That's not the games fault it's yours. Well the people get what they want and Ogryns well be as useless as space marines ans soon the most difficult enemys will be the standart goons. Good job everyone ^^.
6 years 346 days ago
Same troubles with ogryn enforcers playing Assassin - impossible to stunlock all of them, have to kite 1 by 1
6 years 349 days ago
I don't think this issue just applies to the crusader class.  I started trying the latest update with my psyker trying a "green" mission.

Before this latest update taking on these guys wouldn't be a big deal, but I ran through all of my innoculator charges and still couldn't kill them.  Finally surrendered the mission out of frustration.

I thought the goal with 0.7.x was to make combat faster and more like other ARPG's rather than making it slow and tedious.  But this latest update is a step backwards towards slow and tedious and definitely away from fast and smooth.

I'm glad to hear that balance changes are coming because this update has been an unpleasant surprise so far.

6 years 357 days ago
We've addressed this issue, so there will be some balance changes soon for sure. 
6 years 357 days ago
Megapull said that he thinks Ogryns are to storng over at Steam. So yeah maybe we'll se some balancing in the near future.
6 years 358 days ago
The OP is correct. The devs have dumbed down the crusader class and he dies really, really easy. This coupled with the fact that many bosses simply cannot be killed, they regenerate way to quickly, I'm taking a break until the balance the game.
6 years 358 days ago
Today i faced a sentinel with 3 ogryns on my only melee assasin.... i slaughtered them.I don't know what you did but you can outrange ogryns pretty easy and focus one down. I don't know what you did there but things will be better if there is a easy mode so no worrys.