Ordo stores don't have the reward items [Solved]


Hello, it is pretty self-explanatory and wanted to report it in case this isn't how it was supposed to be.  

There should be relic blueprints, sparks and the tier 2 reward seals, and as is plainly evident they are all missing. 

This post was edited 4 years 27 days ago by Margorach
Store Page
Ordo stores don't have the reward items [Solved]
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4 years 26 days ago
Well, it's something I suppose. Thanks for the update, though!
4 years 27 days ago

The selection is a bit lackluster, but after an additional reset they finally appeared.

4 years 28 days ago
it been so bug that the  red ones red one did not spawn for 4 weeks..
4 years 28 days ago
This actually happened yesterday, and I decided to wait until tonight to report it. However I will make sure to log back in to check again after it resets in eight hours time and update the thread accordingly.
4 years 28 days ago
Given that you're already on tier 2 reputation, it seems unlikely, but just to eliminate it: can you confirm you've waited for the shop to reset? New rewards are only added when the shop resets, so if you just got the reputation within the last 16 hours (your shop looks like it has another 8 hours before it resets), then this is expected behavior.

There's been several issues with the Ordo shop recently, so it's not unlikely you've run into a bug, but like I said, I'm just checking the basic stuff first.