Only Getting 20% of mission XP and Fate for weekend event missions!


It's just about 90% of the missions now. I'm only getting 20% or so of the advertised XP and Fate rewards. Seiously, If I'm losing out on XP and fate just because it's a special event mission, screw the event. Not worth my time. my last mission should have been 600 or so XP and 9 Fate. I got 212XP and 3 Fate. most the other missions are similar.

I'll test a normal mission to see if its the same. 

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Only Getting 20% of mission XP and Fate for weekend event missions!
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6 years 264 days ago
Posted by Brax Malcharion 6 years 264 days ago
You get lower Rewards (XP and Fate), if you aren't wiping the entire Forces of the Enemy. That's not a Bug of the Event, that's a normal Feature of the Game. Capturing that 4 Points leaves more than 50% of the enemy Forces on the Map, and that's the Reason for the decrease of your Rewards. At all of my 4 Missions I got nearly all of the expected Rewards, because I mostly killed everything.

If that's true, then that's a bad game design choice to call that a feature.

When a mission brief clearly states that the goal, and only goal of said mission is to capture four points and you successfully do that, you must get your full rewards as advertised.

Otherwise, the mission goal should have said right from the beginning that the mission goal actually were to capture four points and exterminate all opposition... that's fair, that's transparent and upfront.

But telling the player to do a thing, and when the player faithfully and successfully does exactly what they've been told, to then go "Haha, sucker -- you still don't get what we promised because arbitrary reasons", that's just bullshit.

This comment was edited 6 years 264 days ago by Homer Morisson
6 years 264 days ago
You get lower Rewards (XP and Fate), if you aren't wiping the entire Forces of the Enemy. That's not a Bug of the Event, that's a normal Feature of the Game. Capturing that 4 Points leaves more than 50% of the enemy Forces on the Map, and that's the Reason for the decrease of your Rewards. At all of my 4 Missions I got nearly all of the expected Rewards, because I mostly killed everything.
6 years 264 days ago
I only had this happen for those where you need to take the points one after the other, with the guardsmen spawning from points you ...."conquered".

But for those, it is 100% that they give only like 20% xp, which is really coincidential to have such a demotivating bug on top of a badly made and demotivating "event".
