Official Patch 2.0 & Prophecy Discussion


Be sure to check out the FAQ for Inquisitor - Prophecy here:

Prophecy FAQ

Here is an in-depth summary of all the new features that will come with Patch 2.0:

Patch 2.0 Compendium

Feel free to discuss the new features and changes here.

The Emperor Protects.

This post was edited 5 years 267 days ago by Megapull
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Official Patch 2.0 & Prophecy Discussion
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5 years 276 days ago
No. Console patch 2.0 will be latter due to the time it will take to migrate it to console. You will only get soon. But going by the other content around 2 months after PC so late august at the earliest, then prophecy two months again after PC.
5 years 276 days ago

I understand the Prophecy standalone will come later to consoles, but will the patch 2.0 be released for consoles in June or are they tied together? 

5 years 276 days ago
Hhhhhmmm....... Ookeeee.....

2 Month delay is quite a nasty. But rather some well done polishing than not, I guess.

But not sure why they are going to make it a one stand game instead of a proper Expansion. Or also possible to run without the need of Inquisitor-Martyr.

5 years 277 days ago
Please tell me what happens to all my bought and learned blueprints? will they they just be removed or do i gain something from them? 
5 years 279 days ago

While I think new content is great, I'd still rather have an offline mode before anything else. It's hard for me to get excited about DLC and to plan on investing a lot of time in  Warhammer 40K: Inquisitor knowing my game disc will become nothing more than a beverage coaster when online server support ceases. As a parting gift to its players, if Neocore Games committed to adding an offline mode right before shutting the server down, that would make me extremely happy. If Inquisitor was a MMORPG, I could live with online only, but players except Diablo-esquece ARPGs to offer both offline single player and online multiplayer; it is a staple of the genre, and it can't be that difficult to implement in a bare bones fashion. The Van Helsing series offered both modes as does the newly released Warhammer: Chaosbane. In other words, I want the option of always being able to return to Inquisitor on the PS5 and even after server support ends. Neocore developers, don't let Warhammer 40K: Inquisitor become "lost in time like tears in the rain".

This comment was edited 5 years 279 days ago by Jax777
5 years 279 days ago
Any update on the release date for consoles?
5 years 283 days ago
Anthrax Omega
Warzone relic items won't become obsolete but we will reveal more about these changes later. 
5 years 286 days ago
Warzones relics will be replaced. Any info how this will happen?

Will all WZ relics become obsolete or wil they change into one of the new relic types?

5 years 287 days ago
Posted by Apocrita 5 years 287 days ago

Even though this topic is to discuss 2.0 and prophecy, quite a few people are a bit upset about the delays and all.

So... how about you throw us a few MEME viruses our way?

You know, as a sign of goodwill... Because you gotta admit the whole thing was handled rather poorly.

Or at least a couple of videos the next few weeks to showcase some of the new features in action?

That be nice to tide us over while we wait for the release.

I'm sure quite a few would be happy to get a glimpse of the new class in action as well.

Just saw a recording of the Twitch stream and things are looking good.

There's a LOT of new info there that A LOT of people will miss out on because they didn't know about said stream.

5 years 287 days ago

Even though this topic is to discuss 2.0 and prophecy, quite a few people are a bit upset about the delays and all.

So... how about you throw us a few MEME viruses our way?

You know, as a sign of goodwill... Because you gotta admit the whole thing was handled rather poorly.

Or at least a couple of videos the next few weeks to showcase some of the new features in action?

That be nice to tide us over while we wait for the release.

I'm sure quite a few would be happy to get a glimpse of the new class in action as well.

5 years 288 days ago
Hi there and sorry for the bad englisch :)

i can understand that peopel are angry. indeed, the information of the delay is very short and that is an point that can make neocore better.

the last to def videos was very grate and it will be grate when you have more from that.. and there you can talk about the delay too. that can make neocore better , that is right!

on the other side: better the delay as an option to make 2.0 unfinisched, or an unfinisched prophecy release.

i read the patch notes of 2.0 and there are many good ideas that are comming.

And i pleased to see that are points in it that i have suggested.

so i see that neocore percipience my interests and iam very happy about that.

one last point: an appeal to hommungus peat!

you talk about the hole community are angry like you. i can understand youre frustration. but please talk not obout that, that all peopel have youre position. in this thread i see 4 peopel that frustrated. i see 3 peopel that have an neutran point of few. and 3 peopel that looks forward.

my appeal is: please dont talk for me. i can talk for me alone and iam a part of the community and iam not angry.

my nature is an very patience nature and the concept of angry is not an option for me. in the past that way of life give me only high blood pressure. 

i can see very clear what is good and what is bad and neocore lissen and talk to me.

you can se my cummunication in the forum to check this. and with all that i have no reason to be angry.

so please talk only for you and youre mates and not for the hole comunity.

i thank you very mutch!

yore Van Bolt Thrower!

5 years 288 days ago
This comment was deleted 5 years 287 days ago by Marcopolocs
5 years 288 days ago

So too all the White Knights that keep saying "Take your time, I can wait for a finished product." First when has Neocore ever delivered a product that was on time and not full of bugs? Neocore delayed the base game and it was still a buggy and underwhelming. And lets not forget that first they said that this update would come in Q1 and waited until the end of the Quarter to say it would be later "Soon TM" And now they waited until the day of release. And they give the weak excuse " The reason for the late announcement is that we had to discuss the new release dates with our partners and we didn't want to announce the re-scheduling without the new dates." But they knew that it would be delayed and typical Neocore style waited until that last minute to say anything. The facts are clear in 2 mo. the game they put out will still be buggy, underwhelming and over priced.

5 years 288 days ago
Will 2.0 have performance optimizations on PC?
5 years 288 days ago
Nevermind I see that both are delayed. And just a few hours before launch that's pretty savage, waste of a day taken off work.  I find it hard to believe that you only saw this coming in the last day. Please give more notice this is just really poor communication.
5 years 288 days ago
One thing I'm confused about, is 2.0 delayed also or just Prophecy?
5 years 288 days ago
This is just typical of them another example of the deficiencies from personal experience, still no fix for my agartha subsector, how do they honestly expect me to pay more when the existing game isn't working
5 years 289 days ago
1. Your relic items won't be replaced, only Warzone relics will change.

2. This will be revealed later!
3. As things stand now players have to level the cards up but there can be changes in this regard later.

5 years 289 days ago

1. The rate will change to some extent with the 2.0 but not too much. 
2. Fate will remain an endgame resource but its use will change slightly - more to be revealed later
3. This is also something we will reveal later

5 years 289 days ago

I think I might have posted this in the wrong forum before - Sorry about that.

So I've just read up on the detailed list of 2.0 update (looks good btw) but I was wondering if I could fish for some more info about what happens to our existing characters when the update hits.

I've currently a level 77 Crusader range build - that uses mainly crit chance, and crit dmg equipment - so my questions are:

1. will our equipment be replaced with new equipment - kind of like for like.  or will our existing items become legacy, till we farm new ones?  For example will my Crusader suddenly find he can't do the levels and difficulty I currently can?

2. items that a player would have normally acquired though the course of the game - for example the shards, psalm codes ect. Will we get a bunch of these to start us off?

3. The Tarot cards that are currently locked or part of DLC, would these have been a considerable higher level by the time a player reaches lvl 80?  If so - will our existing cards be levelled up to match or do we have to do this ourselves? 

Guess I'm asking - do I need to start again when 2.0 drops or will it be easy for me to farm the new stuff because I have a high lvl character?

Any information on these would be great, and for what its worth you did the right thing delaying the game if it delivers a better product in the end.


5 years 289 days ago
Yeah i am with you they destroy there whole community and ban people(me and friends) from discord cause we say the delay is bullshit 3 hours before release they finished themselves. 
5 years 289 days ago
What a shocker! 
Hopefully Chosbane will be better taken care of then martyr.
This is it for me.
5 years 289 days ago
We are planning to release a patch containing crash fixes and more thus the maintenance. It will take a while but we will do our best to finish it quickly! 
5 years 289 days ago
Voicing your opinion on the re-scheduling is fine and all but using words in such a manner won't be tolerated on our site.
5 years 289 days ago
Hi. I cant play on Xbox. It says that the Servers down.

Can you please tell me for how long? 

5 years 289 days ago
You scrwe us all thx for that 2 months delay on patch day and you can delete this again i screened it for twitch haha listen to the thruth an stand your man you break your community. You dont wanna hear that ?????
5 years 289 days ago


This comment was edited 5 years 289 days ago by HomungusPiet
5 years 289 days ago
yeah delete my comment wtf you dont wanna hear the thruth haha 

5 years 289 days ago
This comment was deleted 5 years 289 days ago by Megapull
5 years 289 days ago
Yeah, well, delays suck for everyone. Both for the devs and the players. (But us players tend to get quite vocal about it)

Anyways... having read the 2.0 compendium, it's definitely something to look forward too.


- Is the rate at which players gain XP (levels) the same?

- What happens with the faith we currently have acquired?

Its primary function in 1.0 was using the tarot, which has changed completely in 2.0.

Will the faith currency still have a use in 2.0 and if so, how is it used?

- Any changes to the inventory/stash system?

Seems like there will be MUCH more to collect this time around.

All the shards, psalm-codes and tarot cards to collect will take up quite a few slots from the look of it.

5 years 289 days ago

The reason for the late announcement is that we had to discuss the new release dates with our partners and we didn't want to announce the re-scheduling without the new dates. 

5 years 289 days ago

I'm a bit conflicted about all this.

On one hand, 2.0 looks very promising and sounds refreshing.

On the other hand, slapping a 2 month delay, 7 hours before the release is not very proper conduct.

I can understand that a product needs some tweaking, adjusting or bugfixing... but no communication until the very last minute (give or take a couple hours) really sucks. :(

This comment was edited 5 years 289 days ago by Apocrita