Not taking any damage


So since 1.0 launched my characters (both crusader 1 tactical, 1 assault) have been taking 0 damage from enemy attacks. No damage numbers appear on my character and my health doesn't move at all. Not the worst bug i suppose but it does kind of take the fun out of the game. I can literally sit motionless in front of a boss with waves of trash beating me in the face for an unlimited amount of time and no damage is registered.

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Not taking any damage
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6 years 134 days ago
Same here - thought it was an immunity start buff. But now I have started Chapter 2 and my Health (and Supression) stays maxed out..
6 years 134 days ago
same exact problem for me as well

6 years 134 days ago
cannot die for my glorious emperor.

Pls help.

6 years 134 days ago
Restarted the game and found a harder mission (to test it) I suddenly took damage.

Then I returned to the campaign mission and i'm unbeatable again ....

6 years 134 days ago
Same here, taking hits from a mob with no damage at all
6 years 134 days ago
Just found that in story mode do not take dmg, when i switched to  challenge it works just fine 
6 years 134 days ago

I dont think it's a TRUE bug, it's part of the tutorial to ease players in.... Sure, it's WAY OP ATM but I'm sure they will adjust it... once you get into chapter 3 or so, damage starts to come into play. They just need to tone it down (quite a bit actually) otherwise it's gonna be super jarring for players who have not played beta when things get tough and they actually have to use tactics and cover.

6 years 134 days ago
Yea this is because you are in story mode so enemies have reduced power. In the earlier missions this basically makes you invulnerable. I think later on you will start to take damage but honestly I recommend just doing challenge mode so you start learning survival strategies earlier on.