No unique affixes for relic weapons 1.0.4


i've found some relic weapons all without the usual unique affix, anybody else encountered the same issue?

This post was edited 6 years 262 days ago by Backend error 1342
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No unique affixes for relic weapons 1.0.4
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6 years 260 days ago
Posted by Tao12345 6 years 260 days ago
Oh well, looks like I can't edit my post... so after looking at it, does that mean that relics do not necessarily have special affixes and can have one more normal stat instead?
They fixed it today, everything is back to normal.
6 years 260 days ago
Oh well, looks like I can't edit my post... so after looking at it, does that mean that relics do not necessarily have special affixes and can have one more normal stat instead?
6 years 260 days ago

I just got an armor without an affix. ;-;

@MEGAPULL‍ I thought this was fixed?

6 years 260 days ago
Some have it (the Unique affix), some not. Depending on item, player who actually put some thought in it, may conclude that 4th affix could be actually better thing than unique.

Say 2 pistols, or 2 swords... 8 affixes, ok HP/hit, Sup/hit, but what if the rolls are reduced cooldowns and increased damage to crucial skill? What if both items spawn (or being modified) to have +CC%, could be over 10%.

I've actually had a situation where I'd wish a normal, modifiable affix  instead something I don't need at all...

6 years 261 days ago
I did 5 Tarot Runs and all seems to be Ok again ->Unique Affix on every Relic Weapon.  Thanx for the hotfix. 
6 years 261 days ago
Backend error 1342
Can confirm your theory so far ...
6 years 261 days ago
Backend error 1342
Very interesting. Now a statement of the Devs would be helpful. 
6 years 261 days ago
Posted by Amizaras 6 years 262 days ago
Did anyone fuse those relic Weapons (found without unique affixes) till the maximum an where the affixes appearing than? So it could be a gameplay decision.  
Yes, someone did it in the name of science..and it didn't go well.

However i'm sure about this: After some testing i'm 100% sure that if you drop a relic weapon/armor during a mission it will come out with it's proper affix, while getting one from a loot chest will result in a "affixless" one 90% of the time. So, if you want to keep relic hunting try the good ol' executioner/hourglass/possesion runs with extreme fortune buff. (can not recommend hourglass tho)

Hope this helps you out there.

6 years 262 days ago
Did anyone fuse those relic Weapons (found without unique affixes) till the maximum an where the affixes appearing than? So it could be a gameplay decision.  
6 years 262 days ago
Posted by Backend error 1342 6 years 262 days ago
No downtime, however it seems to be that now we have a "chance" to get relics with unique affixes. I wonder if this is WAD.
I would SO want a word of the devs on this, especially if this is now actually WAD... but I guess we won't get that unless we go and ask them ourselfs...
6 years 262 days ago
Posted by Tao12345 6 years 262 days ago
I would assume this is server sided only, so it would not require a client update.

Was there a downtime in between?

No downtime, however it seems to be that now we have a "chance" to get relics with unique affixes. I wonder if this is WAD.
6 years 262 days ago
Posted by Backend error 1342 6 years 262 days ago
New update bois, check the latest screenshot, i've just found an Arc sword with affix, did something happen? a seamless hotfix maybe?
I would assume this is server sided only, so it would not require a client update.

Was there a downtime in between?

6 years 262 days ago
Confirmed, got two relic weapons after patch, none has relic special. Got a bunch before and all have specials.
6 years 262 days ago
New update bois, check the latest screenshot, i've just found an Arc sword with affix, did something happen? a seamless hotfix maybe?
6 years 263 days ago
Posted by Backend error 1342 6 years 263 days ago
Stop spreading false information, in 144 hours of gameplay i've not found a single relic weapon/armor with no special ability. Only implants, signum etc come out without it.
Well you must have been quite lucky then.. Or maybe I have just been unlucky. But for fact there has been relic weapons and armors without relic enhancements prior this patch.
6 years 263 days ago
Two more screenshots added, this time i've found 2 pistols in a single chest (quite lucky eh?) but still no affix, that autopistol would've been the 2nd i needed to try a build, guess i'll just use it to fuse older relics then..
6 years 263 days ago
Yep, i've already left a rant in the in the other thread but devs need to wake up and make some actual testing before releasing a patch that destroys what little "endgame" we got. I really don't know how somebody can defend this, a hotfix is needed NOW.
6 years 263 days ago
Can confirm, no orange enchantments on relics today.
6 years 263 days ago
Posted by Steagal 6 years 263 days ago

I have gotten plenty of relic weapons without unique affix before this patch.

Stop spreading false information, in 144 hours of gameplay i've not found a single relic weapon/armor with no special ability. Only implants, signum etc come out without it.
6 years 263 days ago

Weapons are the Problem. I have got 20 Relic Weapons in my stash and ALL with a unique Suffix. So, it is a bug an they are working on it. 

My opinion: It needs a hotfix TODAY. :-)

6 years 263 days ago
no, its not new I have plenty of relics without a unique suffix.
6 years 263 days ago

I have gotten plenty of relic weapons without unique affix before this patch.

6 years 263 days ago
So the entire sole reason to play a loot hunt game at max level is now been made pointless?  WOW i'm not sure how to react to this new development.
6 years 263 days ago
Unless they drop a hotfix hunting for relics is a waste of time, and until next week we can only focus on glory for the event rewards. This is so lame...
6 years 263 days ago

I just looked at it, there is still a re-roll button next to enchantments (on old items, that still have them),

but the button does nothing.

So there is no reason to remove the enchants from new items....

...what's going on here?

Oh wait, bad coding ahead, I'm making a new guess now:
- the re-roll and the initial-roll-when-item-drops are taking their values from the same place
- they removed it from the re-roll so it does not work as there is nothing to replace it with
- this also removed enchants from newly dropped items completely

...if that is true, I am just wondering how that is even working without crashing the server... o.O

This comment was edited 6 years 263 days ago by Tao12345
6 years 263 days ago
Posted by Backend error 1342 6 years 263 days ago
Don't tell me that such bug was being able to reroll unique affixes...because i didn't know about that.
that's completely retarded

(if that is true)

Which I highly doubt as old weapons still have their enchantments...

6 years 263 days ago
Posted by Grighoul 6 years 263 days ago
There was a bug with unique affixes, so they just removed them :) No affix - no bug. 
Don't tell me that such bug was being able to reroll unique affixes...because i didn't know about that.
6 years 263 days ago
There was a bug with unique affixes, so they just removed them :) No affix - no bug. 
6 years 263 days ago
Same here, all Relic items i found after the patch had no unique affix whatsoever
6 years 263 days ago

Added another image (an item i was looking for btw) and no affix. I hope they are looking into it cause it's kinda pointless grinding for relics in this state.

6 years 263 days ago

It looks like an issue related to unique skins, and a lot of ppl is posting about it on steam discussion threads. To be honest i prefer a default skin with enchant vs a good looking weapon/armor with nothing.

This comment was edited 6 years 263 days ago by Backend error 1342
6 years 263 days ago
Have not seen any on anyone relic I found after this patch.