NO Inquisitors in Inquisitor - Martyr ?


I was reading long and hard on the 40k wiki and i read it over and over again but my conclusion was that nor the Crussader or the assassin or even the psyker are inquisitors. I should say that with the psyker is not 100% corect inqusitors can indeed be psykers but not all psykers are inquisitors.

The wiki says that these 3 classes only are subjects that inquisitors recruite in there crews for support but most of them (psykers) arent actually inquisitors.

So my question is will we have a Inquisitor to follow in the future or will there be actuell inqusitors to play with like Ordo Maleus , Ordo Xenos and Ordo Hereticus ? 

This post was edited 7 years 194 days ago by Dead God
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NO Inquisitors in Inquisitor - Martyr ?
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7 years 194 days ago
Posted by Airsick Hydra 7 years 194 days ago

Dig a little deeper into the lore. The issue with W40k lore is that there is so much of it. One can easily make the assumption that what they have read is all there there is. While it's not common knowledge - There's a total of at least 7-8 different backgrounds which an inquisitor can come from within the lore/tabletop game of inquisitor. Three of which include Psyker, Death cult and Crusader. These classes can "ascend" to the rank of inquisitor via some bla bla and a bit of pew pew. The specifics are a little fuzzy but that's what imagination is for, to fill in the blanks. Rest assured we are the inquisitors within this game. We are not henchmen, although yes it is also true that inquisitors may have any of these 7-8 classes as henchmen within their retinue. 

Pretty much exactly this.

@DeadGod: The lore has Inquisitors from a rather huge range of professions, from Administratum scribes to Rogue Traders. Assassinorum operatives are less likely to become fully fledged Inquisitors, but only because their mortality rates are so high that statistically speaking, they're dead as Acolytes before they're useful as fully fledged Agents. Likewise, Crusaders tend to kick the bucket rather early because they're the types to charge in half-cocked--as Acolytes the survivors are treasured as Throne operatives capable of not only unfaltering zeal in the face of Chaos taint but also steadfast resolve to do what must be done.

Psykers, likewise, run the gamut from disposable pawns to very, very capable agents (see: Amberlee). Those more radical Inquisitor Lords that cultivate sanctioned psykers from acolyte to Inquisitor end up with agents capable of dropping the beatdown on daemons in ways that even Space Marines may not (the Mary Sue Smurfs and Tin Knaves notwithstanding, but nobody cares about them because Ward is a servant of Slaanesh), and agents that can frequently skim the minds of the masses to quickly (and discretely) zero in on cults.

7 years 194 days ago
7 years 194 days ago
Dead God

Diaglogue is what's missing, NPC's, conversations etc. I'll have a little present for you tomorrow, watch this space.

7 years 194 days ago
Airsick Hydra

Yes your right so i'll rest my mind at ease but even so it doesnt feel inquisitor-ish enough quit yet. Scripted randome events in the levels could help maybe and a bit more Inquisitorial stuff to do outside of missions and yes content will come so i hope for the best.

This comment was edited 7 years 194 days ago by Dead God
7 years 194 days ago
Dead God

Dig a little deeper into the lore. The issue with W40k lore is that there is so much of it. One can easily make the assumption that what they have read is all there there is. While it's not common knowledge - There's a total of at least 7-8 different backgrounds which an inquisitor can come from within the lore/tabletop game of inquisitor. Three of which include Psyker, Death cult and Crusader. These classes can "ascend" to the rank of inquisitor via some bla bla and a bit of pew pew. The specifics are a little fuzzy but that's what imagination is for, to fill in the blanks. Rest assured we are the inquisitors within this game. We are not henchmen, although yes it is also true that inquisitors may have any of these 7-8 classes as henchmen within their retinue. 

7 years 194 days ago

Ok if you say so but the most imprtant thing is ... will there be an armor that looks like that for the assassin class in the future ? 

7 years 194 days ago
The classes of Inquisitor - Martyr are fully fledged Inquisitors with either a Crusader background or Assassin background (etc). You can check the in-game descriptions for more detailed background info.

These Inquisitors employ different methods and approaches to combat situations according to their past training. This isn't in conflict with being a member of the Holy Inquisition.