new Crafting issues


Techtree: The entry that says that it adds a 'Sanction'-Tab for enhancing relics does not do that, it merely changes the title of Fusion to Sanctioned Fusion...

And the forge rating is not calculated properly, you have to leave the techadept and come back again before you can see your new forge rating.

While I can craft green items instantly now, my ladyfriend reports that materials are subtracted properly but she does not get an item!

I wanted to salvage a purple weapon and clicked on it, then clicked the 'Salvage'-button. The game salvaged all purple weapons in my inventory, something I definitely did NOT want. In essence, it behaved as if I had clicked the purple hammer, which I did NOT do.

Putting my weapons into the still buggy(!) storage while salvaging other items seems too risky for me.

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new Crafting issues
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7 years 113 days ago
Thanks, we will check this issue out and give back your lost items!
7 years 113 days ago
Also, what's your gf's acc name?
7 years 112 days ago

The account name is Navie.