New class concepts and ideas


The Priest or Fanatic

The priest  is a religious/barbarian type inquisitor class that could go into a  violent fervor, or boost  his own or allied status with prayers, or become immune to physical damage depending on the armor style he uses. His class type would focus more on damage and ignoring status effects than armor and deflect. The fanatical beliefs of the priest strengthens him offensively and make up for his lack of armor and wargear compared to the other classes. One type of unique gear would be the ability to wield holy relics as a 1handed weapon, these tools would grant status buffs in compensation for taking up one of your wield slots.

The Commissar

The Commissar is a leader/necromancer type inquisitor class that can deploy and upgrade his own imperial retinue (aka unique equipment slots) In addition to upgrading his elite guardsmen stats his active armor abilities could summon elite warrior, such as space marines, creating a regeneration field to heal allies, or call in a chimera tank that he and his retinue can go into for a limited duration. The commissar has the unique ability to sacrifice one of his basic retinue  on the field to grant a boon to all nearby allies and himself.

The Tech Priest

The tech priest is a multi purpose inquisitor class meant for focusing on either different styles of combat or one singular purposeful design. One armor is a servo harness that allows the tech priest to wield 1 additional single handed weapon for each (TAB) slot. Another servo harness allows for the tech priest to summon a powerful thunder cannon he can then control. And the third servo harness is a powerful  conversion beamer which can periodically lay down a beam on the ground that damages in a line and then explodes dealing damage again.

Naturally these are all just concepts and up for debate. Hope to see some fun thoughts and ideas on this thread!

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New class concepts and ideas
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6 years 235 days ago
How about a summoner class that can summon various bots, spider turrets, hovering bots, and strange looking twisted biomechanical creations?
6 years 236 days ago
To be fair, 8th edition commissar can in fact kill a basic chaos marine. They're beefy as hell. This doesnt mean lore wise that it all makes sense, but I guess the point is that if the tabletop can do it, why not inquisitor martyr. And of course inquisitors are unusually strong or surround themselves with entire retinue of elite warriors.
6 years 236 days ago
Yer I get ya mate, at the end of the day its a game and it needs to be fun. But lets face it, as an arpg it is mediocre at best, its main selling feature is that it is based around wh40k lore. If you completely break emersion in the lore then all that's left is just an "ok" arpg. 
6 years 238 days ago

I think Wh40k fans shouldn't shit bricks discussing balance that inquisitor can kill packs of Chaos Marines + Dreadnought etc. It is not possible to keep such balance in game :) Run white mission and kill all that marines with laspistol single shot, or pack of marines with AOE skill... so well we have to accept that :)

I'm also vote for new classes and Inquisitors crew as well, but I think priority no1 now is to make game optimized and stable, than move on.

This comment was edited 6 years 238 days ago by Kortes
6 years 238 days ago
Well, the Witch Hunter class is actually a selfwritten sureness to come regarding the Inquisition. It is actually a self-explanatory must have inclusion.

One other thing I I think it is quite likely to come and as I wish to see, is Eldar Inquisitor. Yes, they do exist. And I think there is a chance we will see one, since the inclusion of soon to come - Dark Eldar.

One thing that I do also wish to see in this game, but which is VERY unlikely will come  for this game is a Tau Inquisitor. Yes, they do exist but they are far from a common sight in the ranks of the Inquisition.

6 years 238 days ago
Ohhh she's quite hot as well

6 years 238 days ago
I get what you mean Heratech, but they wouldn't just be a commissar. They would be an inquisitor first and foremost, just commissar style (which is a thing, there are all kinds of inquisitors). And they wouldn't be killing a chaos marine single handedly, they would be fighting the chaos marine plus their retinue.
6 years 239 days ago
This is all I want from this game! Carapace armour, dual pistols/ melee & pistol focused & maybe a displacer field armour skill among others. Basically a medium ranged finesse class. All classes so far have come from retinue choices rather than the classic Interrogator route most Inquisitors go through. I think we'll have a few seasons before we find out what path Neocore will take with additional classes though.
6 years 239 days ago

If a single Astra Militarum comisar killed a single chaos space marine.....single handed....the fanboys (me included) would implode. Maybe!!!!…...just maybe.....possibly...…….I could get my head around a Karskin Assault trooper doing it....

no I cant....Militarum are cannon fodder. 

6 years 239 days ago

Id love to see a proper Ordo Hereticus/ Adeptus ministurum which hunter class next, it would make sense for them to come In and route out the cults. Similar in playstyle to how the Hunter class in vanhelsing worked.

medium Armor, duel pistol dps with light melee high mobility. 


 later on when we're all burnt out on daemon hunting and they finally give us the tyrranids to fight then

maybe an Ordo Xenos inquisitor......or...…….give everyone what they want and make a Death-watch  space marine. 

Then maybe for the very last expansion when the story reaches some epic note send in the Custodes…..A D.o.T melee class. 

6 years 239 days ago

Ooohhhh i quite like The Commissar she's got stern babe written all over her

I'd be in her Retinue for sure... LOL

6 years 239 days ago
Some inquisition affiliated space marine divisions would be nice classes - Grey Knights (heavy tank-psyker) and Death Watch( tank-assassin)