console store question


was wondering when the game would be added to the console stores so that console users could pre-order or buy? 

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console store question
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6 years 220 days ago
Hummm i have to agree, i would like to see some kind of proof 

A 5 minute YouTube clip can't be that hard to pop up... 

can it ??

6 years 220 days ago
Well what does that tell you.... Because it tells me they have no intention of releasing this game, because it does not exisit

Where are the YouTube videos (plenty of them for the PC out there)... where are the ones for both versions of the console... come on No-Clue..... where are they. 

I think we all need to see date and time stamped video footage of both versions on the YouTube Channel by the end of the day, for them to retain the tiny shred of credibility they have left.

You expect the console community to believe you about this game.......then back it up with should be a simple thing for you to do... 

But you wont...

Because there is none...

6 years 220 days ago

Maybe they want to launch the game simultaneously with a Warzone. The most disturbing thing is the lack of ANY information - not just about delay possibility. No console videos, no demo or beta testing, no information about FPS, resolution, Pro/X enhancement. 

P.S. There is no open world because there is basically no world

P.S.S. If they announce the delay in last 3 days before release it would be just marvelous

6 years 220 days ago
No-Clue know (for once in there miserable lives) EXACTLY what is happening.

How they can claim to have no control over the console version is just a lie upon a lie, Big Bell End are resellers, they take the game (created by the developers) and churn it out on Console... 

They dont have geeks sitting at desks typing code into computers to create the game... That's No-Clues role.

So it's a 100% fact that No-Clue know what is happening as they do the day to day work on the game on whatever format you care to mention.

to say otherwise is just about as true as saying it's Open World...and we all know that's a lie  

6 years 220 days ago
What's frustrating is that Neocore is allowing this unprofessionalism to continue. If they think that this doesn't affect their reputation then they are wrong. Which is very sad. They can claim they have no control over consoles and that Big Ben is handling everything, but the truth is they were the first to announce the console release and now all of a sudden they can't talk about it... If that is not a cop-out then I don't know what is. It saddens me that Neocore is going this route. Not sure I will participate in their other titles or future ones because this is what I can expect from here on out.
6 years 221 days ago
big Bell End, that's never going to lose it's comedy value...genius 
6 years 221 days ago

I totally agree. 

As I mentioned last week, they are probably going to wait till the 11th hour to make any announcement.

I’m keeping my preorder in place with amazon until the 5th, if nothing happens or an a new date is not announced, I’m cancelling.

Got better things to spend my money on...

6 years 221 days ago
I have just contacted Microsoft and got a refund.  The lack of communication is unprofessional and unacceptable!

I already own the game on PC but bought the £70 edition on Xbox so I could support the devs and play with my console friends but after this absolute shambles there is no way I'm throwing another £70 at this game!

6 years 221 days ago

If they are going to bin it off, they will leave it until the absolute last minute to tell people, why......

Well all those people who have pre ordered it from No-Clue and Big Bell End will have to be re-funded, and they will not want to give that money back unless they have too, so they will leave it as late as possible to tell people... keep YOUR money in there bank earning interest FOR THEM...NOT YOU... until they have no choice other than to give it back.

Or... hey... why not annouce a delay for another 2 / 3 even 6 months just to sit on YOUR MONEY for even longer...

I STRONGLY URGE everyone who has pre-ordered this from No-Clue or Big Bell End to demand full and immediate refunds, under the sale of faulty or none existent goods laws in your various countries.

Because you know what...this looks like they are scamming the Console Community

6 years 221 days ago
I've said before in this post it's not coming out on the 5th.

And i am finding myself increasingly on the thought path of another poster who thinks the game may be cancelled for one or even both consoles, it's very very odd that no-one with any kind of official connection to the game has made an announcement about it's impending release, if it indeed it is coming out.

we are only 3 working days away from the 5th, and as Heratech says,  the publishers would be doing mass burns to disk by now, if it was to be happening then.

BigBen and Neocore can have what they like in there minds, I've got winning the Lottery and marrying Cameron Diaz in mine... but it's just not happening..

6 years 221 days ago
Like everyone else has said, there is simply no way the console it getting a release on the 5th. if it was being released in 5 days it would have already been submitted to PlayStation for checks. If you're a warframe player you understand how long that takes because we have to wait for about 2 weeks for every update to pass cert.  Also, if it was being released in stores the publishers would already be burning the disk and shipping to target locations. 
6 years 225 days ago
I was emailed as Im sure others were by Game, who's have said that The release has been put back to 31st December. I subsequently contacted Neocore and Bigben who both have said in their minds the release is still on for the 5th of July. So confused and concerned as I have preordered the game. Will I get the game on the 5th ?????? How can I if the retailers aren't expecting to have it for months. 
6 years 225 days ago
I agree with you Bolton. Its been mismanaged, I don't think anyone will deny that and we will probably never get an explication. If I see it on July 5th great...if not I'll move onto other games. There are lots of things that are stacking up against the game. The biggest question I have is what will I be paying for? PC has so many missing systems and mechanics I'm not conformable paying $60 for an incomplete game when I have no idea how/when the game will be patched or updated on console. That is a question I don't see anyone asking. "What am I paying $60 for?"
6 years 225 days ago
I'm just a simple bloke from Bolton, I can't get my head around these NDA's.

I don't understand why they would not tell us what's happening, the retailers (Game in my instance) obviously know as they have emailed me to say it's delayed.

Surly the longer they leave it the worse it looks, as I say I'm just a regular bloke I don't know anything about games design or development or anything like that, but I do know customer service, and this is a poor example of it.

6 years 226 days ago
Yeah, its a bit concerning. But who really knows why its being delayed maybe they are under NDA or some sort of contractual agreement not to say anything. Game will come out when the game comes out.
6 years 226 days ago
It's not coming out on July 5th i think we can all agree on that

I still can't believe that even now with just over 7 days left to go before "Release" neither Neocore or BigBen are saying anything, personally i think it's disgusting how they are treating there potential customers

6 years 226 days ago
Xbox pre-orders were only up for a short time before the game was pushed back to July. I don't think Playstation ever got pre-orders because, from what I've heard, Sony denied them the ability to make it available for pre-order. As it stands, nobody is even sure the game is going to release on July 5.