New Backend - Public Stress Test


Fellow Inquisitors,

the time has come - we have opened our Public Test Realm for the new backend service that we will transfer to on August 1. (More info can be found here)

For this phase, we need your help to stress-test the new backend for PC. You can access it in the following way:

  1. Restart Steam
  2. Right-click the game in your Steam Library
  3. Go to Properties
  4. Select the Betas tab
  5. Select the public_test branch (KÉP:
  6. No additional launch parameters required.
  7. If the game has finished updating, you can play!

A few things to know:

  • For now, everyone will start with a clean slate, fresh accounts. This will of course NOT be the case on the live transfer, everyone will retain their old characters, etc.
  • The backend functionality should be the same as the live version of the game. However, it is running on a temporary location, so it will be speedier in the future. But for now, expect some delay when shopping or opening lootboxes.
  • We are monitoring player activity constantly, and we will work on backend services on the run. This will require no client updates.
  • We encourage everyone to play co-op.
  • This test backend will be available until August 1, when the real deal (the live transfer) takes place.

If you find something noteworthy or want to share it with us:

  • Use our Discord, and within it, the #backendtesting channel ONLY.
  • Invite for our Discord (you will find an invite link in the main menu of the game as well)
  • Only post required and important information in this channel. Spamming, and off-topic will not be tolerated.
  • Always post your ingame account name when reporting issues, this is a must.
  • If necessary, post image links or attach any additional material that helps us in tackling the issue.

This marks an important step in the development of Inquisitor, as we want to ensure a stable future for the game. Of course, your deeds will be remembered - and rewarded in the game.

This post was modified 2 years 214 days ago by Marcopolocs
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New Backend - Public Stress Test
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