Network Error


Right after getting the new patch, my game crashed on starting a mission and ever since then whenever I start the game, I get a network error message.  All I can do at that point is click reconnect which just gives the network error message again, or exit.  I verified integrity of the game files but that didn't help.  I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but that didn't help either.  Anyone else seeing this or know of a fix/workaround?

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Network Error
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7 years 324 days ago

make a new Network rule in ur Firewall ,if the 0.2.exe and the 0.21.exe use the same port u dont Need to that.

i think megapull is right, must be a backend (user, router, pc )problem because ur the first and only one since 0.21 rollout.

maybe check ur .net, framework is up to date.

.net Framework 4.2.6 

offline installer -

web installer -

7 years 324 days ago

A new dedicated server is also up, check if you can play with it.

7 years 325 days ago
I think this is a backend issue, but you could PM me your account name (ingame acc name) on Discord and we'll look into it on Monday.